Foto einer Achterbahn hinter Schriftzug: 1.600 Unternehmensnachfolger gesucht

1600 firms facing business succes­si­on in Saarland

As the Saarland Offen­si­ve for Start-ups announ­ced at the event “Gründen. Buy. Merge. What suits me?”, around 1600 compa­nies are facing a business succes­si­on in Saarland by 2021. On the occasi­on of the infor­ma­ti­on evening on business succes­si­on Saarland in the forum of the Sparkas­se Saarbrü­cken, the speak­ers empha­sis­ed the importance of timely prepa­ra­ti­on of a succession.

There is no learning curve in corpo­ra­te takeovers. They work out ? or they fail,” said Marco Mathieuadvisor to the develo­p­ment bank SIKB. For this reason, profes­sio­nal and timely prepa­ra­ti­on of the succes­si­on by the trans­fer­ring entre­pre­neur is indis­pensable. On the part of the prospec­ti­ve succes­sor, it must be clari­fied in advan­ce whether the candi­da­te is suita­ble for the role of entre­pre­neur. “An entre­pre­neur must not only have excel­lent product and sales skills, but he must also be able to commu­ni­ca­te with employees and custo­mers, for examp­le. This is not for everyo­ne” explai­ned Thomas Dörr, partner at K.E.R.N - Die Nachfolge­spezialisten in Frank­furt, who addres­sed the practi­cal and emotio­nal aspects of compa­ny takeovers in his presen­ta­ti­on. From a successor’s point of view, buying a compa­ny is often like an emotio­nal roller­co­as­ter. Phases of tensi­on and eupho­ria are often repla­ced by frust­ra­ting experi­en­ces, for examp­le becau­se the first attempt at a suppo­sedly suita­ble target compa­ny does not work out. This is where patience and perse­ver­ance count!

Buying a compa­ny is like an emotio­nal roller­co­as­ter ride

A poten­ti­al compa­ny succes­sor should be well prepared for the purcha­se process. Ideal­ly, he or she will have dealt in detail with the practi­ces of a takeover such as purcha­se price deter­mi­na­ti­on and finan­cing as well as due diligence. Anyone who under­stands the parame­ters of a business valua­ti­on will enter into the purcha­se price and finan­cing negotia­ti­ons stron­ger and more confi­dent. The same appli­es to recog­nis­ing the oppor­tu­ni­ties and risks of the target compa­ny during the compa­ny audit (Due Diligence). The selec­tion of suita­ble partners such as experi­en­ced lawyers and succes­si­on advisors are also part of the prepa­ra­ti­on phase.

Compa­ny exchan­ges facili­ta­te the process of compa­ny succession

Those who have the neces­sa­ry skills and are well prepared have the very best oppor­tu­ni­ties today to find their target compa­ny and take it over successful­ly,” Dörr conti­nues. A number of compa­ny exchan­ges are now available to help. The leading one in the Saarland and neigh­bou­ring regions is the SaarLor­Lux Compa­ny Exchan­ge for examp­le, current­ly alrea­dy has almost 120 compa­nies on offer, such as the board of the Sparkas­se Saarbrü­cken, Uwe Johmannconfirm­ed. There­fo­re, nothing stands in the way of a successful business succes­si­on in Saarland.

Tips for further reading:

5 crite­ria for choosing the right compa­ny for a business succession

Which compa­ny exchan­ges are suita­ble for the search?

Call for the free check­list with the 126 most important questi­ons of a business succession

Targe­ted balan­ce sheet adjus­t­ment can increase enter­pri­se value

The costs of a business succes­si­on or an M&A project

How do you find reputa­ble business sale advisors?

Stumb­ling blocks for the junior boss

Image: © Sparkas­se Saarbrücken