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2,700 medium-sized compa­nies are looking for a business succes­sor in Saxony-Anhalt

The shorta­ge of skilled workers has also reached the board­room in Saxony-Anhalt: The Insti­tu­te for SME Research (Insti­tut für Mittel­stands­for­schung, IfM) forecasts that around 2,700 compa­nies will be looking for a soluti­on for business succes­si­on in Saxony-Anhalt in the next three years. Current­ly, compa­ny takeovers account for only a quarter of all new start-ups in the state. At the same time, the number of compa­nies looking for business succes­si­on in Saxony-Anhalt is growing not only here but throug­hout Germany.

To support this process, Radio Brocken has launched the image campaign ?Career in your own country? was develo­ped. In order to ensure the contin­ued existence of businesses in the crafts and service sectors, the image campaign was created as a project of the Saxony-Anhalt Career Network.

Highlight­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties for business succes­si­on in Saxony-Anhalt

The aim of the campaign is to show the oppor­tu­ni­ties of self-employ­ment through business succes­si­on in Saxony-Anhalt using the examp­le of successful business takeovers. The image campaign is inten­ded to present the diver­se possi­bi­li­ties of business succes­si­on in Saxony-Anhalt for building up one’s own econo­mic existence.

A well-organis­ed business succes­si­on can signi­fi­cant­ly reduce the risk of a business start-up, as a succes­sor often encoun­ters proven business models and estab­lished custo­mer relati­onships. This often signi­fi­cant­ly reduces the market risk.

From the point of view of the consul­tant specia­li­sing in business succes­si­ons Axel Bergmann good prepa­ra­ti­on of the compa­ny succes­si­on is essen­ti­al for the success of the genera­ti­on change: “A senior entre­pre­neur must prepa­re a genera­ti­on change very well. This includes, among other things, a meaningful exposé that answers poten­ti­al takeover candi­da­tes’ questi­ons about the compa­ny and the market environ­ment in advan­ce? He also points out the emotio­nal aspects that accom­pa­ny almost every compa­ny succes­si­on in the SME sector: “Compa­ny succes­si­on is a life decis­i­on. Both for compa­ny succes­sors and for entre­pre­neurs who are ready for succession.

Tips for further reading:

German family entre­pre­neurs are on avera­ge 53 years old

Comment: Juniors’ shyness about the family business

Clari­fy important questi­ons about business succes­si­on in advance

Call for the free check­list with the 126 most important questi­ons of a business succession

How do you find reputa­ble business sale advisors?

Compa­ny succes­si­on at Saalfel­der EPSa successful