Unternehmensnachfolge in Ostwestfalen

3,500 craft­smen facing business succes­si­on in East Westphalia

The lack of skilled workers and entre­pre­neurs are major risk factors for the skilled crafts sector in East Westpha­lia. Although the trade econo­my is running at full speed, the future prospects are by no means as rosy as the order situa­ti­on would suggest. 

 The crafts econo­my in OWL conti­nues to run at full speed,” said chamber presi­dent Lena Stroth­mann to the New Westpha­li­an. The invest­ment clima­te index, at 87.4 points, is at its highest level since 1991, while the employ­ment clima­te, at 93.5 points, is the highest since the first econo­mic report in 1976. However, 93 percent of the regio­nal craft enter­pri­ses are satis­fied with their current business situation.

Unresol­ved business succes­si­on in East Westpha­lia threa­tens prosperity

However, the current­ly full order books cannot cover up two major develo­p­ments. The shorta­ge of skilled workers has become the number one business risk for compa­nies,” says the HK presi­dent. In the next few years, some 3,500 craft enter­pri­ses in East Westpha­lia will be in line for succession.

This trend is also confirm­ed by the regio­nal study by K.E.R.N ? The Succes­si­on Specia­lists. More than 2,300 of these compa­nies employ more than 5 people. A good half have between 10 and 49 employees. The graph thus shows: The successful soluti­on of compa­ny succes­si­on in East Westpha­lia is an econo­mic policy task for the future for entre­pre­neurs, banks, econo­mic promo­ters and politi­ci­ans in this region charac­te­ri­sed by family businesses.

Alrea­dy today, 35% of all craft­smen in the chamber district are over 55 years old. This propor­ti­on will rise to around 57% in the coming years. Paral­lel to this, the willing­ness of the child­ren of entre­pre­neurs to take over the compa­ny is decre­asing. As a result, compa­ny succes­si­on in East Westpha­lia is incre­asing­ly becoming a battle for the best brains,’ says Ingo Clauswho advises family businesses in the region on their change of baton. In this compe­ti­ti­on, good prepa­ra­ti­on for compa­ny succes­si­on pays off.

Accor­ding to the DIHK, entre­pre­neurs are well advised to prepa­re their business succes­si­on in the long term. Ideal­ly, the most important questi­ons about business succes­si­on should be answe­red in the sixth decade of life. These include, among others: What should be handed over to whom and when? From this questi­on arises the need to develop a written strategy for the baton change. It would be worth it in any case.

Tips for further reading:

Business succes­si­on in the skilled crafts sector 2023

Free webinars on business succession

Award­ed: Another successful business hando­ver in the skilled crafts sector

Comment: Unresol­ved compa­ny succes­si­ons endan­ger our prosperity

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