ErgoPack Deutschland GmbH als TOP-Innovator ausgezeichnet

ErgoPack Deutsch­land GmbH honou­red as TOP Innova­tor by Top 100

ErgoPack Deutsch­land GmbH conti­nues on its successful course and was named TOP Innova­tor in the TOP 100 compe­ti­ti­on in the machinery/plant enginee­ring sector.sdrawn.

ErgoPack Deutsch­land GmbH is the global market leader for pallet strap­ping systems. In 2019, founder Andre­as Kimmer­le successful­ly took over his succes­si­on with KERN and sold his compa­ny to the sustainable inves­tor Lifco SE.

Basics webinar presen­ted by Nils Koerber

Compa­ny sale (M&A) without risk and loss of value

The fact that a succes­si­on plan does not have to detract from the success of a compa­ny, but on the contra­ry can give it new impetus, is proven by the Innova­ti­on Award 2020 it won. TOP 100 has honou­red the most innova­ti­ve compa­nies in Germa­ny every year for 25 years and is a seal of quali­ty for the award winners.

Click here for the video with the award ceremony!

Holger Haber­mannKERN Munich: “We congra­tu­la­te ErgoPack Deutsch­land GmbH on this award and wish them contin­ued success. This impres­si­ve­ly under­lines which high-perfor­mance compa­nies can be found in the Bavari­an SME sector.”

Tips for further reading: 

Compa­ny sale in Corona times

Compa­ny Succes­si­on Study

Compa­ny succes­si­on in retail requi­res good preparation

Ready­ness Check (compa­ny sale) - WE ask - YOU answer

Image: ErgoPack Deutsch­land GmbH