Balkendiagramm zur Altersentwicklung der Firmenchefs in Ulm

Compa­ny succes­si­on in Ulm rising sharply

As one of the smaller chamber districts in Germa­ny, the Ulm district of the Chamber of Indus­try and Commer­ce (IHK) is not without problems in the overall compa­ri­son, with 54 per cent of compa­nies affec­ted by the hando­ver in 2022.

This is the result of the first nation­wi­de uniform study on the situa­ti­on of business succes­si­on in 79 IHK locati­ons by the manage­ment consul­ting firm KERN ? the succes­si­on specia­lists. The study shows in detail the high pressu­re on family businesses to act when it comes to settling business succes­si­on in all regions of Germa­ny. In the follo­wing, we highlight the situa­ti­on of business succes­si­on in Ulm. 

Ulm ? A major hub of the electro­nics industry

With 227,000 employees and a gross domestic product (GDP) of 21 billi­on euros, the chamber district occup­ies a top positi­on in Baden Württem­berg, especi­al­ly in the service sector. Accor­ding to the study, 2,672 compa­nies alone current­ly genera­te between 250,000 and 50 milli­on euros in turno­ver. The makers of the KERN ? Study were interes­ted in one thing above all:

What is the situa­ti­on regar­ding compa­ny succes­si­on in Ulm?

  • Current­ly are 37% of all compa­ny direc­tors in Ulm are older than 55. This means that they will soon be facing a genera­tio­nal change.
  • Around 84% of all compa­nies survey­ed are small and medium-sized family businesses with a turno­ver of less than 5 milli­on euros.
  • Ulm’s corpo­ra­te leaders are older than the natio­nal avera­geIn 2022, 54% of all chiefs will alrea­dy be older than 55.

First of all, the study makes it clear that in the Ulm chamber district, too, a successful genera­tio­nal change will be a very forma­ti­ve task for compa­nies in the next five years. Becau­se entre­pre­neurs have to find succes­sors who fit their compa­ny and the employees profes­sio­nal­ly, perso­nal­ly and strate­gi­cal­ly? Norbert Lang. The partner respon­si­ble for the region at KERN ? The succes­si­on specia­lists: “Suita­ble succes­sors should have entre­pre­neur­ship in them and have the right training. In additi­on, they should be able to grow step by step into taking on responsibility?

Lang also provi­des further reasons why the topic of compa­ny succes­si­on will become more and more explo­si­ve in the near future:

  1. The baby boomer genera­ti­on with the highest birth rates is retiring.
  2. Entre­pre­neu­ri­al child­ren no longer neces­s­a­ri­ly enter into a family-inter­nal succession.
  3. Many entre­pre­neurs undere­sti­ma­te the comple­xi­ty of a succes­si­on process and are there­fo­re not suffi­ci­ent­ly prepared.

Well-prepared business succes­si­on in Ulm is the Success factor for the future

For the succes­si­on specia­lists at KERN, however, one thing is certain: even in smaller and dynamic IHK districts such as Ulm, the course for the future will be set in the next five years with the upcoming genera­ti­on change. They there­fo­re recom­mend that the complex process of compa­ny succes­si­on in Ulm be better prepared at an early stage and actively pursued.

About the KERN ? Business Succes­si­on Study 2017

In the nation­wi­de study, KERN aktuell analy­sed all 79 IHK districts in the relevant age and turno­ver catego­ries for the develo­p­ment of business succes­si­on up to 2022. A total of 564,443 compa­nies in the turno­ver catego­ries of 250,000 euros to 5 milli­on euros as well as compa­nies with up to 50 milli­on euros in turno­ver were recor­ded. The analy­sis of the selec­ted compa­nies thus not only includes data from nearly 500,000 firms with annual turno­ver of less than 5 milli­on euros. Rather, a further 65,000 firms with more than 5 milli­on euros in annual turno­ver were included in the study. 

Click here for the Results of the Study.

Tips for further reading:

Lack of business succes­sors threa­tens family businesses

10,000 compa­ny succes­si­ons in Osnabrück

3,500 craft­smen facing business succes­si­on in East Westphalia

Lack of entre­pre­neurs becomes a future issue in the SME sector

What are the advan­ta­ges of succes­si­on advice for a family business?

Inter­view: Prepa­ring the succes­si­on within the family well

How is business succes­si­on develo­ping in Ulm?

On the one hand, there are current­ly 37% of all compa­ny direc­tors in Ulm older than 55 years. This means that a genera­tio­nal change is imminent. In additi­on, Ulm’s compa­ny leaders are Older than the natio­nal avera­ge. In 2022, 54% of all bosses will be older than 55. This upheaval affects small family businesses in parti­cu­lar. After all, around 84% of all compa­nies survey­ed have a turno­ver of less than 5 milli­on euros. 

Why are compa­ny succes­si­ons in Ulm gaining in importance?

First, the baby boomers are retiring. This includes many entre­pre­neurs. Moreo­ver, family succes­si­on is no longer the first choice for many entre­pre­neurs’ child­ren. On top of that, there is a lack of prepa­ra­ti­on. This is becau­se many entre­pre­neurs undere­sti­ma­te the scope of the succes­si­on process.