Projekt GEON

GEON Gebäu­de­ma­nage­ment - Compa­ny sale

About the company 

GEON Gebäu­de­ma­nage­ment is a Munich-based service provi­der in the field of caret­a­ker services. Its custo­mers are small to medium-sized proper­ty manage­ment compa­nies with up to 300 residen­ti­al units. GEON was acqui­red by the current seller in 2014.

The task 

Sale of the sole proprie­tor­ship GEON Gebäu­de­ma­nage­ment as quick­ly as possi­ble. There were no speci­fic requi­re­ments about the desired buyer.

Basics webinar presen­ted by Nils Koerber

Compa­ny sale (M&A) without risk and loss of value

This resul­ted in the follo­wing task packa­ges: Valua­ti­on of the compa­ny, finding poten­ti­al buyers, support and modera­ti­on of the negotia­ti­ons as well as legal­ly secure imple­men­ta­ti­on of the agreements.

What the client says about the project

?Stefan Krebs

In an always pleasant and very compe­tent manner, Mr Grepp­mair from KERN accom­pa­nied me in the sale of my caret­a­ker service in Munich.

In just nine months, despi­te falling sales and the Corona crisis, he succee­ded in selling my compa­ny at a satis­fac­to­ry price. In doing so, he made a decisi­ve contri­bu­ti­on to a new life plan that I had longed for for a long time.

Thank you very much for that!”

About the buyer

GEON was sold to a family-run Munich-based caret­a­ker compa­ny with 6 employees.