
Sachver­stän­di­gen­bü­ro Leisner - Compa­ny sale

About the company 

?The owner-managed expert office, founded in 2001, focuses on building code inspec­tions in accordance with PrüfVO NRW.

This includes the accep­tance of:

Basics webinar presen­ted by Nils Koerber

Compa­ny sale (M&A) without risk and loss of value

  • air-condi­tio­ning systems (AHUs);
  • Mecha­ni­cal smoke extra­c­tion systems;
  • Natural smoke venti­la­ti­on systems;
  • CO warning systems in under­ground garages;
  • and non-automa­tic fire extin­gu­is­hing systems

The systems to be tested are usual­ly located in buildings acces­si­ble to the public or in business and commer­cial proper­ties such as sales outlets and commer­cial buildings, places of assem­bly, hospi­tals and nursing homes, garages, restau­rants and accom­mo­da­ti­on facili­ties, schools, gymnasiums.

The task 

?The project invol­ved a comple­te sales process. The chall­enge was that a trans­fe­ree had to be licen­sed as an expert for air handling units.

What the client says about the project

Katha­ri­na Leisner:

?In 2015, we were looking for a succes­sor to ensure that the long-standing clients of our surveyor’s office would conti­nue to be well looked after beyond their planned retire­ment. Mr. Ingo Claus had accom­pa­nied us in this diffi­cult task. We have him to thank for the unexpec­ted­ly successful sale of our office. Mr Claus has a fine sense for diffi­cult negotia­ting situa­tions; skilful­ly and calmly he finds the right ideas for soluti­ons that are accep­ta­ble to both contrac­ting parties. Mr Claus accom­pa­nied the project with a wealth of experi­ence, knowledge of human nature and negotia­ting skills.”

About the buyer

?The buyer was a self-employ­ed engineer who wanted to focus more on expert activi­ties. Through the purcha­se of the expert office, he immedia­te­ly had access to a large number of clients in his region and reali­sed more than 200 inspec­tions in the first year. Despi­te the high level of perso­nal ties between the clients and the trans­fer­or, all client relati­onships were successful­ly handed over.