Corona - Teil 2

Corona, Compa­ny Sale & Now? Part 2

The Corona Year 2020 did not only have losers. If you want to buy a webcam today, you will either not get one or have to wait 3 months for it. Medical products also had their hype, as did construc­tion trades­men. One of my clients is on track for a record year with his heating and plumbing business. Of course, this is creating a lot of confi­dence, which is clear­ly boosting the upcoming sale to an investor.

With the appro­pria­te capital struc­tu­re, compa­nies become more resili­ent to crises

In additi­on to these corona winners or those that are now simply in a tailwind due to their sector, there are also crisis-ridden compa­nies that are funda­men­tal­ly profi­ta­ble and strate­gi­cal­ly well positio­ned. Their problem often lies in a capital struc­tu­re that is unsui­ta­ble for crises, but which still gives them a good chance of a fair purcha­se price. After all, the business model works and will conti­nue to do its job in the future.

Basics webinar presen­ted by Nils Koerber

Compa­ny sale (M&A) without risk and loss of value

Of course, those whose turno­ver has been lost due to the lockdown and who hardly have a chance to make up for it have been hit parti­cu­lar­ly hard. The entire catering sector, fitness studi­os, etc.? ? People have not saved up their hunger and very few will regis­ter at two studi­os to make up for the missed training.

A signi­fi­cant shake­out among the companies

As we know from first-hand experi­ence, the banks are looking in parti­cu­lar at the years 2018 and 2019. If there was alrea­dy a crisis in the annual finan­cial state­ments, it will be very diffi­cult to get the neces­sa­ry liqui­di­ty injection.

The cheap money of the last few years has of course ? accor­ding to ex-bank consul­tant and author Markus Krall ? created more, as he calls them, zombie compa­nies ? than an econo­my can actual­ly bear. He talks about a natural 1.5% of compa­nies dropping out of compe­ti­ti­on every year. This figure has risen to about 15% in recent years. 15% of compa­nies that are still on the market only becau­se of cheap liquidity.

Giso Weyand ? the well-known consul­tant to the consul­tants says harsh­ly: ‘Whoever is cut as a consul­tant now was not relevant enough’. In princi­ple, this appli­es to every compa­ny and this Corona crisis is certain­ly a caesu­ra of a special kind that makes the relevan­ce of the indivi­du­al players in the market very clear.


TIPS for further reading: 

Corona, Compa­ny Sale & Now Part 1

Selling construc­tion compa­nies - is it worth it in the construc­tion boom?

Selling a compa­ny in the IT industry

Is business succes­si­on an oppor­tu­ni­ty for founders?

The coope­ra­ti­ve model - when employees follow in the foots­teps of the compa­ny founders!