Unternehmensverkauf - Wie Sie den Wert Ihres Unternehmens steigern

Compa­ny sale - How to increase your compa­ny value!

IDEASCANNER (Step 1 - Rating your business positioning) 

IDEASCANNER is a new evalua­ti­on proce­du­re for business positio­ning based on artifi­ci­al intel­li­gence. Using so-called success-criti­cal attri­bu­tes (note: charac­te­ristics), a compa­ri­son of the company’s current business positio­ning is made with a large data pool of other successful compa­nies that have alrea­dy been analy­sed. Successful other compa­nies are compa­nies that have succee­ded in incre­asing their enter­pri­se value faster and more signi­fi­cant­ly than the compa­ri­son compa­nies. The success-criti­cal attri­bu­tes serve as indica­tors for exhaus­ted or still existing poten­ti­al in the business positioning.

The result of this analy­sis is the IDEASCANNER report with two parts: The cockpit view, consis­ting of visual indica­tors (scores), and the audit report with concre­te indica­ti­ons of how the business model would have to be changed in order to increase the company’s value. 

Basics webinar presen­ted by Nils Koerber

Compa­ny sale (M&A) without risk and loss of value

IDEASCANNER databa­se from which the IDEASCANNER report for business positio­ning is generated 

The scores contai­ned in the first part of the report enable a quick classi­fi­ca­ti­on of the business positio­ning (i.e. all aspects concer­ning how the compa­ny appears on the market) in compa­ri­son to the compa­nies alrea­dy analy­sed in the data pool. The scores are divided into an overall rating as well as scores for the product, the business model (i.e. how sales are genera­ted) and the market. They enable a quick assess­ment of where the greatest poten­ti­al lies that needs to be lever­a­ged to increase the value of the compa­ny. Compa­nies such as Amazon, Facebook or Google achie­ve total scores of well over 70% with their current positio­ning, while scores of less than 40% are usual­ly so-called “walking dead” positi­ons. These are positi­ons that are not expec­ted to grow or genera­te signi­fi­cant earnings in the foreseeable future, and thus are not expec­ted to increase in value signi­fi­cant­ly in the future.

Tips for incre­asing the value of the company

The second part of the IDEASCANNER report conta­ins concre­te advice on how to increase the value of the compa­ny. These are derived from the identi­fied existing weakne­s­ses in the business positio­ning. For the first time, the compa­ny has the oppor­tu­ni­ty to elimi­na­te the radical­ly trans­pa­rent weakne­s­ses or to develop a plan to turn them into oppor­tu­ni­ties in the future. This creates a compre­hen­si­ble value-enhan­cing future fanta­sy for the buyer.

To put it simply, the artifi­ci­al intel­li­gence method IDEASCANNER repli­ca­tes the assess­ment of successful specia­lists from invest­ment banking or strategy consul­ting. However, it is not based on gut feeling and experi­ence, but on the analy­sis of large amounts of data. IDEASCANNER AI analy­ses are 10 times faster and more cost-effec­ti­ve than conven­tio­nal strategy consul­ting mandates.

Sustain­ab­ly increase the value of the company

Besides many destruc­ti­ve effects, the Corona crisis had a kind of magni­fy­ing glass effect in the context of compa­ny sales. This means that inves­tors are looking much more close­ly at the sustainable earning power of the business model of a compa­ny to be acqui­red than was previous­ly the case. This does not mean, however, that the classic valua­ti­on methods have lost importance. Rather, the quanti­ta­ti­ve and quali­ta­ti­ve methods shake hands and comple­ment each other in their respec­ti­ve weaknesses.

For you as an entre­pre­neur, this means conti­nuous­ly identi­fy­ing and uncove­ring the dormant poten­ti­al in your business model so that this effect can then be seen in your annual finan­cial state­ments in three to five years and can be evalua­ted in the form of, for examp­le, an IDW S1 capita­li­sed earnings value method.

IDEASCANNER (Step 2 - Poten­ti­al analysis)

IDEASCANNER can also provi­de concre­te assis­tance in analy­sing business poten­ti­al. After the IDEASCANNER report has clari­fied the levers that can be used to increase the value of the compa­ny, it is now a matter of putting this vision of the future into practi­ce with concre­te ideas. From the recogni­ti­on of the weakne­s­ses, impro­ved proces­ses, proce­du­res and new distri­bu­ti­on channels should now be found and new products and services develo­ped in order to make the desired path of future earnings growth compre­hen­si­ble to the buyer.

Often, a good basis for new business poten­ti­al lies in recog­nis­ing custo­mer problems that have not yet been solved. This is where the support­i­ve abili­ty of artifi­ci­al intel­li­gence to analy­se very large amounts of data comes into its own.

IDEASCANNER acces­ses more than 400 milli­on inter­net sources to identi­fy and classi­fy consu­mers’ every­day problems at an early stage. These are valida­ted with every­day problem scouts and focus groups in a new proce­du­re in order to achie­ve the highest possi­ble quali­ty statements.

This is about recog­nis­ing the short­co­mings of every­day life. For examp­le, the founder of the compa­ny Bora recog­nis­ed that extra­c­tor bonnets are often loud, ineffec­ti­ve, ugly and annoy­ing in the cook’s head area. This problem area that he identi­fied eventual­ly gave rise to the idea of integra­ting the extra­c­tor function direct­ly into the hotpla­te. This identi­fi­ca­ti­on of the problem and the idea for a soluti­on led to the develo­p­ment of Bora, which has since become an extre­me­ly successful company.

The poten­ti­al detection 

However, this proce­du­re for identi­fy­ing poten­ti­al works not only in the consu­mer market, but also in the pure B2B area. The only diffe­rence is that the sources of custo­mer problems are diffe­rent here. Here, it is important to syste­ma­ti­cal­ly use the inter­faces to the custo­mer, i.e. the commu­ni­ca­ti­on of sales and services, in order to record, syste­ma­tise and evalua­te custo­mer problems.

Custo­mer problems are the gold standard for the develo­p­ment of new products and services that help to sustain­ab­ly increase the company’s value. Value is alrea­dy created through conclu­si­ve­ly identi­fied and valida­ted custo­mer problems, as well as through proto­ty­pi­cal­ly tested soluti­ons. Incre­asing the value of a compa­ny does not have to be a lengthy process.

Reali­ty shows that many entre­pre­neurs cannot or do not want to take three to five years to optimi­se their business model. However, even then it is invaluable for a poten­ti­al buyer to be able to point out the poten­ti­al in your business model that has not yet been reali­sed. It will give him securi­ty, even if he is then respon­si­ble for the imple­men­ta­ti­on himself.

The enter­pri­se value 

Let us brief­ly return to the start­ing point of our artic­le: It was the questi­on of the appro­pria­te price for a compa­ny for both sides.

We have found that looking into the past only satis­fies a prospec­ti­ve buyer to a limit­ed extent. With IDEASCANNER, the seller knows first of all where he stands with his current business positio­ning. If he wants to impro­ve this and thus increase his compa­ny value, he can raise the poten­ti­als shown and develop soluti­ons, especi­al­ly on the basis of real custo­mer problems. This takes time so that the value-enhan­cing effects also show up in the three annual finan­cial state­ments before the sale.

However, he can also leave this step to the buyer. Both ensure trust on the buyer’s side and this is reflec­ted 1:1 in the purcha­se price.


Wolfgang Bürger, KERN locati­ons Nurem­berg and Würzburg
Roland Grepp­mair, KERN Munich locati­on
Holger Haber­mann, KERN locati­ons Munich and Salzburg
Andre­as Stütz, IDEASCANNER, Founder & CEO

TIPS for further reading: 

Selling your business - How to increase the value of your business Part 1

MBI - Success model for corpo­ra­te succession

Corona, Compa­ny Sale & Now? Part 1

The Coope­ra­ti­ve Model - When Employees Follow in the Foots­teps of the Company’s Founders Part 1

Earn-out clauses in the sale of a compa­ny