Unternehmensverkauf im Brauereiwesen

ATN GmbH - Compa­ny sale

ATN Multibrau plus

About the company 

ATN GmbH has been successful­ly active in special machi­ne construc­tion since 1983. In 2007, an order for the automa­ti­on of a brewhouse control system was genera­ted for the first time by a brewery. The background to this was the brewmaster’s wish to be able to conti­nue control­ling his brewing proces­ses himself with a new process control system. In the meanti­me, this has develo­ped into an indepen­dent product ? Multi­brau Plus ? which is alrea­dy being used in more than 15 brewe­ries. It is excel­lent­ly suited for small and medium-sized brewe­ries to carry out cost-saving techni­cal renova­ti­on measu­res and at the same time use the latest automa­ti­on technology.

The task 

The aim of the project was to find a buyer for the Multi­brau Plus product. The buyer had to have suffi­ci­ent techni­cal skills in mecha­ni­cal enginee­ring and programming to be able to integra­te Multi­brau Plus into the process control of a brewery and to further develop the product. The second chall­enge was to find a succes­sor who knows the brewing indus­try and has a passi­on for brewing.

Basics webinar presen­ted by Nils Koerber

Compa­ny sale (M&A) without risk and loss of value

What the client says about the project

Josef Schwarz:

We had first tried to find a succes­sor oursel­ves. It was only when we commis­sio­ned Mr Haber­mann from KERN - Unternehmens­nachfolge. Successful. the process picked up speed and we found an excel­lent buyer for our Multi­brau Plus product.?

About the buyer

The buyer is a master brewer and advises brewe­ries on techni­cal conver­si­ons and safety issues. He has an excel­lent network in the indus­try and knows the techni­cal equip­ment of many breweries.