Unternehmensverkauf Bio Bäckerei

Organic whole­me­al bakery Café Hans Oehmen - compa­ny sale

Unternehmensverkauf Bio-Bäckerei Oehmen

About the company 

The Ganzkorn-Bäcke­rei-Kondi­to­rei Hans Oehmen has existed in Mönchen­glad­bach for over 25 years. Mr Hans Oehmen took over the bakery/pastry shop, which was origi­nal­ly founded by his parents, from a tenant after his apprenticeship.

Since Hans Oehmen conver­ted the business comple­te­ly to organic from the begin­ning, the compa­ny very quick­ly gained a very good reputa­ti­on nation­wi­de. In recent years, 15 resale points (cafés in organic farms / smaller organic markets / schools and day-care centres) have been acqui­red as custo­mers. Hans Oehmen, together with his eight long-serving, highly motiva­ted employees, has always managed his compa­ny very responsibly.

Basics webinar presen­ted by Nils Koerber

Compa­ny sale (M&A) without risk and loss of value

Its custo­mers appre­cia­te the very exten­si­ve range of confec­tion­ery products as well as the many diffe­rent types of bread and rolls, all of which are made in its own bakery with 100% purely organic ingre­di­ents. In additi­on to sales and the bakery, the compa­ny runs a small, very popular café at its location.

For reasons of age, but also becau­se a family-inter­nal succes­si­on soluti­on is out of the questi­on, Hans Oehmen has decided to look for a successor.

The task 

It quick­ly became clear that a special approach to the search for succes­sors was requi­red for this small but fine company.

The specia­lists from KERN Corpo­ra­te Succes­si­on, in parti­cu­lar Mr Klaus-Chris­ti­an Knuff­mann, respon­si­ble for the Lower Rhine / Rhine­land / EUREGIO region, prepared a detail­ed exposé, inclu­ding a forecast calculation.

In additi­on to direct­ly approa­ching future master bakers and confec­tion­ers at the various master schools in Germa­ny, anony­mous adver­ti­se­ments were also placed on various stock exchan­ges. In additi­on, all well-known organic bakery chain stores and bakery chains in the region were approa­ched. Although the compa­ny does not have a 1A locati­on, which is neces­sa­ry for chain stores, it succee­ded in finding many interes­ted people for the company.

What the client says about the project

Hans Oehmen:

Without the specia­lists from KERN ? Unternehmens­nachfolge, it would not have been possi­ble to find a suita­ble succes­sor for our business and to bring our compa­ny so widely into discus­sion with various groups of interes­ted parties.

We are very grateful and happy that we have found a relia­ble compa­n­ion for our project in Mr. Klaus-Chris­ti­an Knuff­mann from KERN, who took care of our small compa­ny with enthu­si­asm and never doubted finding a suita­ble succes­sor. This also enabled us to provi­de a relia­ble future for our long-standing employees.

For the buyer couple Emsters-Robin, there is now the oppor­tu­ni­ty to further expand our good reputa­ti­on in the region, which we have built up over 25 years?

About the buyer

The couple Eva-Maria Emsters-Robin and Antho­ny Robin, enthu­si­a­stic connois­seurs of all relevant organic markets and organic bakeries in the region, have fulfil­led a long-standing dream by taking over Hans Oehmen’s business.

Antho­ny Robin, an indus­tri­al engineer working in the automo­ti­ve indus­try, had long wanted to be self-employ­ed. His wife had always dreamed of owning her own bakery.

Alrea­dy after the first joint discus­sions between the Robin couple and Mr. Oehmen, it became clear that the business model of the whole­me­al organic bakery-pastry shop Oehmen offers clear growth poten­ti­al in the region.

Among other things, there are plans to estab­lish an additio­nal sales locati­on in the new market hall being built on Kapuzi­ner­platz in Mönchengladbach.

Hans Oehmen accom­pa­nies the Robin couple for some time.