Tipps von Ihrem Nachfolge-Berater: Vorsorge oder Nachfolge

TIPS from your succes­si­on compa­n­ion: Provi­si­on for the future or succession

Mr. Muster­mann, 51 years old, successful owner of a medium-sized compa­ny, has alrea­dy had many ups and downs in his business and has maste­red all challenges well so far. The topic of compa­ny succes­si­on is still far away. He is the head of the compa­ny and has all areas well under control.
Until this trip to the custo­mer ? Micros­leep ? Emergen­cy drive to the hospi­tal. Luck of the draw, he is serious­ly injured, but is able to recover and is fit for duty after 3 months.

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