Business sale consul­ting: Making the sale of your business a success

Most entre­pre­neurs undere­sti­ma­te the comple­xi­ty of the sales process for their own business. Although family entre­pre­neurs seek advice from specia­lists on many other topics, they often take the sale of the business into their own hands. After all, who knows the DNA and the strengths and weakne­s­ses of a compa­ny better than the boss ? As captain on the bridge, he has often steered his compa­ny safely through diffi­cult waters. 

But a compa­ny succes­si­on is not only a complex project from a techni­cal and organi­sa­tio­nal point of view, it is also very challen­ging emotio­nal­ly. This clear­ly distin­gu­is­hes succes­si­on from the day-to-day business of a family entre­pre­neur. And, unfort­u­na­te­ly true: the succes­si­on process ties up a lot of time, atten­ti­on and energy paral­lel to the day-to-day business.

Basics webinar presen­ted by Nils Koerber

Compa­ny sale (M&A) without risk and loss of value

Becau­se the typical shoals of a succes­si­on process, also called M&A process are once again clear­ly diffe­rent from day-to-day business - Is there perhaps a pilot who, together with the entre­pre­neur, guides the succes­si­on process safely to its goal?

In this artic­le, you will learn what a business succes­si­on advisor has in common with a pilot, and what concre­te benefit you havewhen they bring him on board for their business sale advice. We will tell you how to impro­ve your succes­si­on capaci­ty and then the of your compa­ny and increase the value of your compa­ny through a targe­ted optimi­sa­ti­on of your business model.

Table of contents:

Atten­ti­on: Are you really ready to let go?

From a large number of successful compa­ny succes­si­ons we know how diffi­cult it is at first for the owner himself to find clari­ty for himself, to let go and to get invol­ved in the process of compa­ny succes­si­on in the first place.

No wonder, since the entire life’s work is often at stake here, 30, 40 or even 50 years of dedica­ti­on, depri­va­ti­on and lifetime achie­ve­ment - who, if not me, could lead the compa­ny through the next epoch?

But also the lack of one’s own future perspec­ti­ve, the honest answer to the questi­on: What am I burning for in the future, what subject do I want to devote myself to passio­na­te­ly and compre­hen­si­ve­ly after the handover?

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The advan­ta­ges of a compa­ny sale consultation

A M&A consul­tingwhich focuses exclu­si­ve­ly on the topics of business succes­si­on, Compa­ny sale and Compa­ny acqui­si­ti­on specia­li­sed in medium-sized businesses, works like a pilot who naviga­tes you safely into the harbour you are heading for for the first time in your life. He knows about the decisi­ve success factors during a sales process. The advan­ta­ges of being able to draw on the practi­cal experi­ence of this expert are obvious:

1. securi­ty through profes­sio­na­lism and experience

A key success factor in the Compa­ny sale or business succes­si­on is a high level of process compe­tence. Many genera­tio­nal changes fail, for examp­le, becau­se they are only thought of on the basis of the tax concept. There­fo­re, when choosing your advisor, make sure that the process of business succes­si­on includes all possi­ble stages from compre­hen­si­ve prepa­ra­ti­on, selec­tion and approach of interes­ted parties to support and modera­ti­on of the sales negotia­ti­ons. This is an essen­ti­al distin­gu­is­hing and quali­ty feature of reputa­ble advisors for the sale of a business.

2. prepa­ra­ti­on through strate­gic value enhance­ment and successful negotia­ti­on management

A good succes­si­on advisor will start by making a state­ment about the succes­si­on capaci­ty of your compa­ny and this is defined with a view to the business model.

In the prepa­ra­ti­on phase, your current business model is put through its paces. Does your compa­ny still genera­te sustainable income after paying a standard market entre­pre­neu­ri­al wage? And what about the second manage­ment level within your compa­ny, is there one at all? If not, is its estab­lish­ment on your immedia­te to-do list. And if yes, how independent­ly can it act during its absence? This questi­on will ultim­ate­ly also concern the future acquirer.

How good is your compa­ny actual­ly against Cluster risks How are we positio­ned on the suppli­er and custo­mer side? What strate­gic measu­res should be taken to optimi­se existing imbalan­ces if necessary?

Keyword imbalan­ce. In prepa­ra­ti­on for your succes­si­on, a Balan­ce sheet adjus­t­ment to carry out. You will recei­ve valuable tips on how to present the values of your compa­ny trans­par­ent­ly with a targe­ted balan­ce sheet adjus­t­ment. This appli­es above all to hidden reser­ves such as pensi­on provi­si­ons or real estate in the balan­ce sheet. If possi­ble, these should not remain dormant, even if this increa­ses the tax burden in the short term. Separa­ting the areas between the former share­hol­der and the compa­ny to be sold in good time usual­ly alrea­dy impro­ves the balan­ce sheet ratios. This first part shows you where you stand with your compa­ny today and where the future poten­ti­al of your compa­ny lies.

Especi­al­ly in the early prepa­ra­ti­on there are interes­t­ing possi­bi­li­ties for optimisation.

In this step you alrea­dy recei­ve Concre­te sugges­ti­ons that can be imple­men­ted immedia­te­lythat will help you to current business opera­tio­nal successful to design

What can you do concretely?

Try to put yours­elf in the role of the future acqui­rer: For what reasons would he buy your company?

Now it is important to put this future fanta­sy into practi­ce with concre­te ideas during the succes­si­on process. From the reali­sa­ti­on of indivi­du­al weakne­s­ses, you can now work concre­te­ly on impro­ving existing proces­ses and proce­du­res. Possi­bly you will recei­ve hints about new profi­ta­ble sales channels. In this way, you can increase your turno­ver and profit poten­ti­al and make your business model fit for the future. In short: You develop a concre­te succes­si­on story for your compa­ny succes­sor within the frame­work of the sales process.

Successful negotia­ti­on

The greatest advan­ta­ge of an exter­nal succes­si­on consul­tancy lies in the Objec­ti­vi­ty of the advisor. Only an outsi­der can bring together the concerns of all those invol­ved in the succes­si­on process without reservation.

Since a compa­ny succes­si­on usual­ly only occurs once in a genera­ti­on, the corre­spon­ding experi­ence is lacking. The large number of legal, tax, business manage­ment and above all emotio­nal stumb­ling blocks in the M&A process alone make the invol­vement and Modera­ti­on of an experi­en­ced expert is worthwhile. Also with the Soluti­on orien­ta­ti­on the advisor’s experi­ence accumu­la­ted through the large number of manda­tes is very helpful.

Since diffe­rent opini­ons and assess­ments of the company’s value often lead to compli­ca­ti­ons, an objec­ti­ve compa­ny valua­ti­on by an expert is recom­men­ded right at the begin­ning of the process.

3. discreet and optimi­sed buyer search thanks to clear proces­ses and strong network

The business succes­si­on market is charac­te­ri­sed by a large number of regio­nal advisors and a few business succes­si­on specia­lists with supra-regio­nal or inter­na­tio­nal networks. These supra-regio­nal networks are becoming incre­asing­ly important due to the challenges in finding buyers. KERN ? Compa­ny Succes­si­on. Erfolg­rei­cher has offices throug­hout Germa­ny, Austria, Switz­er­land and Poland and has an exten­si­ve inter­na­tio­nal network with several thousand quali­fied poten­ti­al buyers (MBI) as well as a large number of regio­nal advisors. more than 210,000 verified inves­tor profiles. In this way, they combi­ne the excel­lent­ly maintai­ned regio­nal networks to banks, tax advisors, lawyers and associa­ti­ons with the advan­ta­ges of a supra-regio­nal network. This combi­na­ti­on increa­ses the speed of sales proces­ses enormously.

What should be conside­red when choosing a succes­si­on consultancy?

Anyone who gives advice must, as the term “advice” impli­es, have a wealth of experi­ence that enables them to give advice in any situa­ti­on, no matter how complicated.

There­fo­re, pay atten­ti­on to the Experi­ence, on verifia­ble referen­ces and Seal of approval if you want succes­si­on advice. Those who have experi­ence can also clear­ly prove this with compre­hen­si­ble references.

Many reputa­ble consul­tants for the sale of businesses are members of the Federal Associa­ti­on of German Manage­ment Consul­tants (BDU). As a result, they commit to the strict BDU standards of proper succes­si­on advice in their daily work.

Integral advisors, such as KERN ? Unternehmens­nachfolge, have set themsel­ves even higher standards in some cases. This concerns essen­ti­al sub-areas such as the protec­tion of perso­nal data of sellers and buyers or the obliga­ti­on to provi­de regular training and further education.

Charac­te­ristics for reputa­ble M&A advisors

Wichtige Faktoren, um einen seriösen Berater zu identifizieren

Tip: Erfah­ren sie here alles zur profes­sio­nel­len Nachfol­ge­be­ra­tung durch KERN

What can you expect from our KERN advice?

We distin­gu­ish oursel­ves from the compe­ti­ti­on on the basis of five essen­ti­al characteristics:

  1. KERN Beratung focuses exclu­si­ve­ly on business succes­si­on nation­wi­de - on nothing else. That is why we can offer you exper­ti­se in depth.
  2. We not only advise you on the purcha­se or sale of a compa­ny, but are also profes­sio­nal compa­n­ions for intra-family changes. Almost all partners have additio­nal quali­fi­ca­ti­ons as syste­mic coaches or media­tors. Each KERN partner has either experi­en­ced or accom­pa­nied succes­si­on in their own environment.
  3. Our home is the medium-sized business sector. What counts for us is your trust and not the term of a contract. That’s why we are one of the few firms that refuse to be bound by a contract for a certain period of time.
  4. Our work is stron­gly success-orien­ted. We do not charge month­ly flat rates, but a fair and trans­pa­rent system of services and compen­sa­ti­on. In terms of credi­bi­li­ty and integri­ty, this is a very central value of KERN Consulting.
  5. We work in Germa­ny, Austria, Switz­er­land and Poland with state-of-the-art analy­sis and process techno­lo­gy coupled with a great deal of exper­ti­se from our partners at the locati­ons - for your benefit, for your indivi­du­al business succession.
  6. The sale of your business is of utmost importance to you - We guaran­tee the sale of your business. With the unique CORE M&A SUCCESS GUARANTEE get your money back if we don’t succeed in selling your business. Secure the sale of your life’s work at 100%. Learn more about our Guaran­teed success.

Tip: You are welco­me to form your own opini­on and read herehow our custo­mers rate the various projects and referen­ces in diffe­rent sectors.

Goals of the compa­ny sale consultation

Classic objec­ti­ves of a compa­ny sale consul­tancy are the prepa­ra­ti­on and safeguar­ding as well as the loyal and trust­wor­t­hy support and repre­sen­ta­ti­on of interests in the regula­ti­on of the compa­ny succession.

The reali­sa­ti­on of the maximum sales price, taking into account a win-win situa­ti­on, e.g. by using a holding compa­ny to sell your Sell limit­ed liabi­li­ty compa­ny. Or a strate­gic reposi­tio­ning of the compa­ny are also fixed objec­ti­ves. As are a successful transac­tion process and an optimal closing, which natural­ly includes a successful future for the company.

The process of a compa­ny sale consul­ta­ti­on with KERN

1. fitness check in prepa­ra­ti­on for the sale of a compa­ny. Possi­bly follo­wed by a strategy to massi­ve­ly increase the value of the compa­ny for 1-3 years.
2. prepa­ra­ti­on of compa­ny analy­sis, purcha­se price calcu­la­ti­on, compa­ny exposé and teaser
3. concep­ti­on of the indivi­du­al sales strategy for the company
4. active search for buyers and/or investors
5. pre-selec­tion of target buyers/investors
6. contac­ting the selec­ted poten­ti­al buyers/investors.
7. coordi­na­ti­on of the infor­ma­ti­on talks and signing of the Memoran­dum of Under­stan­ding (Letter of Intent) to purcha­se the company
8. evalua­ti­on of the prospec­ti­ve buyers and offers with subse­quent selec­tion of the final negotia­ting partner.
9. coordi­na­ti­on of the company’s risk assess­ment (Due Diligence), see also Due Diligence Checklist
10. conduc­ting the negotia­ti­ons on the Compa­ny purcha­se agreement
11. signing of the contract (Signing / Closing)

The process of a compa­ny sale consul­ta­ti­on accor­ding to the BDU - Bundes­ver­band Deutscher Unter­neh­mens­be­ra­ter (Federal Associa­ti­on of German Manage­ment Consultants) 

Step 1 - The prepa­ra­ti­on phase

  • Analy­sis of the initi­al situation
  • Deter­mi­na­ti­on of the perso­nal positi­on of the entrepreneur
  • Retire­ment provi­si­on and setting the course for inheri­tance arrangements
  • Emergen­cy planning
  • Compa­ny analysis
  • Estima­ted durati­on of the prepa­ra­ti­on phase: approx. 3 - 6 months, approx. 3-6 appoint­ments for the seller

Step 2 - Planning phase

  • Deter­mi­ne the form of the handover
  • Corpo­ra­te planning
  • Valua­ti­on and asking price
  • Tax and legal impli­ca­ti­ons of the business transfer
  • Search and selec­tion of the successor
  • Estima­ted durati­on of the planning phase: approx. 2-6 months and approx. 5 ? 15 appointments

Step 3 - Reali­sa­ti­on phase

  • Business hando­ver with all business, legal, social and psycho­lo­gi­cal compon­ents (induc­tion, respon­si­bi­li­ty, intro­duc­tion, finan­cing, contracts, etc.)
  • Negotia­ti­on
  • Purcha­se price agreement
  • Estima­ted durati­on of the planning phase: approx. 2-3 months and 5 ? 10 appointments

Step 4 - Start-up phase

  • Compa­ny manage­ment by successors
  • Stabi­li­sa­ti­on of the compa­ny due to change/stress caused by takeover
  • Estima­ted durati­on of the planning phase: approx. 3-6 months and 20 ? 40 appointments

Succes­si­on planning standards Accor­ding to the Federal Associa­ti­on of German Manage­ment Consul­tants BDU

Compa­ny sale checklist

How do you successful­ly plan the sale of a business?

The Compa­ny sale proce­du­re is a real chall­enge for most entre­pre­neurs. After all, those who have built up and successful­ly managed their compa­ny themsel­ves are often overwhel­med with the diffe­rent process of business succes­si­on. Often, the process itself is underestimated.

However, with the help of concre­te check­lists, the hando­ver can be divided into diffe­rent project phases and the entire proce­du­re can be better struc­tu­red and coordinated.

The KERN business succes­si­on check­lists contain all the infor­ma­ti­on on all the important phases of the succes­si­on process and offer guidance from prepa­ra­ti­on through to hando­ver and the start-up phase. Click here for the Compa­ny sale check­lists.

The challenges of selling a company

The sale of compa­nies in the SME sector is one of the greatest challenges for the econo­mic develo­p­ment of many regions. This is becau­se compa­ny succes­si­ons that take place too late reduce innova­ti­ve strength and delay urgen­tly needed invest­ments. The resul­ting reduced compe­ti­ti­ve­ness of compa­nies and the loss of know-how endan­ger jobs and our prospe­ri­ty. Which brings us direct­ly to your corpo­ra­te responsibility.

What does this mean in concre­te terms for your compa­ny sale?

Accept the chall­enge and shape your future. For the benefit of your family, your employees and your life’s work.

Define concre­te goals for your succession

To avoid perspec­ti­ve diffi­cul­ties in the sales process, you should define concre­te perso­nal and business goals in advan­ce. This sounds trivi­al, but for many entre­pre­neurs who have built up a long-standing emotio­nal bond with their compa­ny, it is perhaps even the greatest chall­enge in the hando­ver. If this step is not taken, compli­ca­ti­ons in the further process are pre-programmed. There­fo­re, it should be clear in advan­ce whether, for examp­le, the entire compa­ny or only certain shares are for sale.

Read or listen to the book “The Art of Letting Go” as an anima­ti­on for your decis­i­on-making process:

Clari­fy your finances

What finan­cial resour­ces will be available to you in the future for your liveli­hood? For examp­le, do you still want to work in the business yours­elf after the sale or do you want to exit comple­te­ly? This clari­fi­ca­ti­on is there­fo­re important in order to be able to assess whether the sale of the business or the business purcha­se price should repre­sent an essen­ti­al finan­cial corner­stone of your retire­ment provi­si­on or whether other objec­ti­ves of the sale of the business can come into focus. Allow for negotia­ting leeway accordingly.

Deter­mi­ne the enter­pri­se value

Many entre­pre­neurs make the mista­ke of either overe­sti­mat­ing or undere­sti­mat­ing the value of their compa­ny. The Business valua­ti­on there­fo­re plays a very important role in the entire succes­si­on process. Since there is not just one compa­ny value, it is important to know and compa­re the most important proce­du­res with their advan­ta­ges and disad­van­ta­ges. By apply­ing diffe­rent valua­ti­on methods, you can look at your compa­ny from diffe­rent perspec­ti­ves and ultim­ate­ly obtain a value corri­dor. You can read about which proce­du­res are available and which calcu­la­ti­on princi­ples they are based on in the artic­le Calcu­la­te enter­pri­se value.

Or you can simply try out the free online compa­ny value resear­cher to find out where the current value of your compa­ny might lie: 

The targe­ted search for a suita­ble successor

Syste­ma­tic buyer search invol­ves identi­fy­ing, approa­ching and selec­ting prospec­ti­ve buyers. This repres­ents one of the greatest challenges for the compa­ny seller. The success and existence of the compa­ny, jobs and the achie­ve­ment of an optimal purcha­se price depend on it. A syste­ma­tic search for buyers genera­tes a greater and quali­ta­tively higher demand and thus helps to maximi­se the proceeds of sale and ensure the conti­nui­ty of the entre­pre­neu­ri­al work.

Engage profes­sio­nal advisors to support your syste­ma­tic buyer search

A profes­sio­nal search and selec­tion of prospec­ti­ve buyers for the sale of the compa­ny form a good start­ing point for the successful imple­men­ta­ti­on of the subse­quent steps in the sales process: initi­al talks with prospec­ti­ve buyers, compa­ny inspec­tions, exami­na­ti­on of the compa­ny by prospec­ti­ve buyers due diligence, letter of intent, purcha­se price and purcha­se contract negotia­ti­ons, signing and hando­ver of the company.

The tempo­ral dimension

Last but not least: Plan enough time for the sale of your business. The someti­mes small-scale process leading up to the signing of the compa­ny purcha­se agree­ment can someti­mes take longer. There­fo­re, planning should start as early as possi­ble. Six to nine months should be taken into account for the prepa­ra­ti­on and the first sound­ing out of interes­ted parties alone. The actual sales negotia­ti­ons can drag on for several more months.

Which adviso­ry approach is the right one for you as an entrepreneur?

KERN Business Succes­si­on recom­mends these four approaches:

  1. Entre­pre­neur is still very hesitant about the decis­i­on -> Develop a goal for your sales soluti­on -> Change of Staff Seminar
  2. Entre­pre­neur wants, but would like to find out if the compa­ny is also ready for the compa­ny sale -> Fitness Check
  3. You and your compa­ny are ready for sale and would like to work on your perso­nal roadmap for the sale of your compa­ny yours­elf -> Online seminar on the sale of a company
  4. Perso­nal conver­sa­ti­on, free of charge and without obligation 

Frequent­ly asked questi­ons during the compa­ny sale consultation

  • How does succes­si­on counsel­ling work?
  • Which M&A costs arise during a compa­ny sale consultation?
  • Which Valua­ti­on method should I apply for my company?
  • What are the current tax aspects to be conside­red in the case of an intra-family succession?

Conclu­si­on: Profes­sio­nal advice for your business sale always pays off.

At KERN Unternehmens­nachfolge, we are aware of the comple­xi­ty invol­ved in both the sale of a compa­ny and the succes­si­on and acqui­si­ti­on of a compa­ny. For more than 15 years, our group of advisors has focused exclu­si­ve­ly on corpo­ra­te succes­si­on and, thanks to this experi­ence, can now solve in depth all the questi­ons and tasks that are of importance to entre­pre­neurs and compa­nies in these important concerns.

Take advan­ta­ge of one of our compa­ny sale consul­ta­ti­ons in over 30 locati­ons in Germa­ny, Austria, Switz­er­land and Poland and benefit from a succes­sor pool of several thousand quali­fied prospec­ti­ve buyers (MBI) as well as over 210,000 verified inves­tor profiles.

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