hms sonosys­tems GmbH - Compa­ny sale

Logo von Sonosystems GmbH in rot

About the company 

hms sonosys­tems GmbH specia­li­ses in the sale and service of new, demons­tra­ti­on and used ultra­sound equip­ment in the human and veteri­na­ry fields. The core business compri­ses three product areas: sonogra­phy equip­ment, medical techno­lo­gy equip­ment and practi­ce and consul­ta­ti­on suppli­es. Based on more than 30 years of experi­ence, the compa­ny has earned an excel­lent reputa­ti­on as a compe­tent suppli­er and system partner for doctors in priva­te practi­ce in all disci­pli­nes in the Baden-Württem­berg region and in other European count­ries, inclu­ding Switzerland.

The task 

KERN accom­pa­nied the process from the prepa­ra­ti­on of the sale, the search for the purcha­se candi­da­tes to the sales negotia­ti­ons.
The task began with the prepa­ra­ti­on of the sale, follo­wed by the search for purcha­se candi­da­tes as well as their scree­ning, and final­ly ended with the accom­p­animent of the sales negotia­ti­ons until the successful conclu­si­on of the purcha­se contract.
The share­hol­ders of hms sonosys­tems GmbH were parti­cu­lar­ly concer­ned with the conti­nua­tion of the company’s life’s work, job securi­ty and the conti­nua­tion of long-standing custo­mer relationships.

Basics webinar presen­ted by Nils Koerber

Compa­ny sale (M&A) without risk and loss of value

What the client says about the project

Mr Martin Nicho­las Smith, Managing Director

?I was guided through the process by Mr. Rehfuß in a very profes­sio­nal and far-sighted manner from the very beginning.

I would like to empha­sise the wealth of experi­ence and techni­cal exper­ti­se in this context. Mr Rehfuß support­ed us compe­tent­ly and profes­sio­nal­ly with specia­list knowledge at every stage of the compa­ny takeover. The advice & support was important and helped us in all aspects of this very complex topic.

About the buyer

On 1 July 2021, the MBI candi­da­te Valen­tin Bauer took over the GmbH by means of a newly founded acqui­si­ti­on compa­ny within the scope of a share deal.
In the interest of a smooth transi­ti­on, one of the former share­hol­ders is available. Thus, the transi­ti­on of the projects and the staff could be guaran­teed.