Ein Spielzeughaus ist eingewickelt in einen warmen Schal.

tech-isolierung.de - Genera­ti­on change: Oppor­tu­ni­ties and challenges through Corona

Only if it is possi­ble to successful­ly pass on entre­pre­neu­ri­al respon­si­bi­li­ty to the next genera­ti­on will the family business project remain alive. Even though family businesses once again proved their abili­ty to act during the pande­mic, their most diffi­cult chall­enge, business succes­si­on, has not lost its explo­si­ve­ness. It may sound surpri­sing, but the Corona pande­mic provi­des many reasons to actively tackle business succes­si­on right now. 

Here to the contribution!

Author: Karl Rehfuß

Image: canva.com