Ein älterer Mann sitzt im Rollstuhl und ein junger Mann gibt ihm die Hand.

Grüssing Medical Supply Store ? Compa­ny sale

Logo Sanitätshaus Grüssing
  • Medical Supply Store - IC002435
  • Compa­ny sale | Compa­ny acqui­si­ti­on | Genera­ti­on change
  • Super­vi­sed by: Ingo Claus  

About the company 

Sanitäts­haus Grüssing is an estab­lished medical supply store without an ortho­pae­dic workshop in Varel, Lower Saxony. For more than 20 years, Grüssing has been the first address in the entire region when it comes to ostomy care, preven­ti­ve health care, assis­tance and after­ca­re in case of illness.

Basics webinar presen­ted by Nils Koerber

Basics webinar presen­ted by Nils Koerber

Compa­ny sale (M&A) without risk and loss of value

Compa­ny sale (M&A) without risk and loss of value

The task 

The aim of the project was to respon­si­bly manage the compa­ny succes­si­on of the founder, Dietmar Grüssing. The sale of the compa­ny included the prepa­ra­ti­on of the sale, the search for buyers and the approach as well as the organi­sa­ti­on and modera­ti­on of the entire sales process.
Despi­te the tight market, charac­te­ri­sed by a shorta­ge of skilled workers, the project succee­ded in attrac­ting both strate­gic inves­tors looking for new locati­ons and indivi­du­al candi­da­tes with experi­ence in the sector.

What the client says about the project

Mr Dietmar Grüssing:

Our indus­try is very complex and often diffi­cult for an outsi­der to under­stand. Our consul­tant, Mr. Claus, very quick­ly familia­ri­sed himself with the many details and was there­fo­re a very compe­tent and relia­ble discus­sion partner for us as well as for the poten­ti­al buyers?

About the buyer

Chris­ti­an Bley is an MBI with experi­ence in the health­ca­re sector. With the acqui­si­ti­on of Sanitäts­haus Grüssing, he ventu­red into entre­pre­neu­ri­al indepen­dence together with his wife.