Medizinisches Besteck, welches auf einem Tisch liegt.

Teufel & Gerlach GmbH ? Compa­ny sale

Logo der Firma Teufel & Gerlach

About the company 

Since the founda­ti­on of the compa­ny in 1921, the idea of quali­ty has been in the foreground. Surgi­cal instru­ments are manufac­tu­red with skilled craft­sman­ship by a quali­fied and long-standing workforce.
Despi­te the upcoming challenges in the medical techno­lo­gy sector, the third genera­ti­on of the entre­pre­neu­ri­al family was able to positi­on and develop the compa­ny for the future.

The task 

Sale 100% of the GmbH shares due to age-related succes­si­on of the shareholders.

Basics webinar presen­ted by Nils Koerber

Compa­ny sale (M&A) without risk and loss of value

KERN accom­pa­nied the process from the prepa­ra­ti­on of the sale, the search for the purcha­se candi­da­tes to the sales negotia­ti­ons.

The task began with the prepa­ra­ti­on of the sale, follo­wed by the search for purcha­se candi­da­tes as well as their scree­ning and final­ly ended with the support of the sales negotia­ti­ons, up to the successful conclu­si­on of the purcha­se contract.
The entre­pre­neu­ri­al families were parti­cu­lar­ly concer­ned with conti­nuing their life’s work and, above all, securing the jobs of their long-serving employees.
After an inten­si­ve monito­ring process that was repea­ted­ly stalled by the ongoing pande­mic, the project was successful­ly implemented.

What the client says about the project

Bernd Gerlach, Managing Director: 

?I was guided through the process by Mr. Rehfuß in a very profes­sio­nal and far-sighted manner from the very beginning.

In this context, I would like to empha­sise the wealth of experi­ence and the techni­cal exper­ti­se as well as the perso­nal commit­ment. Mr Rehfuß support­ed me compe­tent­ly and profes­sio­nal­ly at every stage of the compa­ny takeover. Even diffi­cult phases were successful­ly and prompt­ly overco­me. I was always proac­tively infor­med and could always rely on a soluti­on by Mr Rehfuß even in diffi­cult negotia­ti­on situations.

The advice & support was important and helped me in all aspects of this very complex issue and so I would there­fo­re like to give my unqua­li­fied recommendation.

Happy to come back anytime!”

Rainer Gerlach, Managing Director:

Mr. Rehfuß from KERN convin­ced us from the moment we met him and we were more than confirm­ed in our choice - especi­al­ly when measu­red by the result. We were accom­pa­nied in all steps in a highly commit­ted and extre­me­ly profes­sio­nal manner. Parti­cu­lar­ly notewor­t­hy is the sensi­ti­vi­ty to our needs and the excel­lent modera­ti­on in this challen­ging task for us. We would entrust Mr. Rehfuß with such a sensi­ti­ve task again at any time and can only advise every entre­pre­neur to turn to him.”

About the buyer

The buyer is a tradi­tio­nal family business from the direct medical techno­lo­gy environment. 

By deciding to take over Teufel & Gerlach GmbH, we are conso­li­da­ting our positi­on in the market and have the means to sustain­ab­ly meet the challenges of the indus­try. We look forward to further develo­p­ment with the Teufel & Gerlach GmbH team.”