We make your business succes­si­on more successful

Compa­ny sale

Learn every­thing you need to know about selling your life’s work. In the video “Selling a compa­ny in 10 steps” you will learn about the proven KERN M&A process. Also in the video, you will learn how the founders of Acoustic­pearls fulfil­led their dream by selling their company.

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Genera­ti­on change

Succes­si­on within the family needs soluti­ons that also take the emotio­nal side into account. In the video with Nils Koerber, disco­ver the holistic KERN family process for genera­tio­nal change. Get your free copy of the expert guide as a PDF download.

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Compa­ny acquisition

Buying a compa­ny is a big decis­i­on. Here you can find out why this path is easier, more lucra­ti­ve and more exciting than setting up your own business. Disco­ver how the KERN network can help you with your successful business purcha­se. Start right away by setting up your free search profile.

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