Josef André & Karl Rehfuß ? Your specia­lists for business succession

Looking for a succes­sor? The safe way to compa­ny succes­si­on in Freiburg im Breisgau

KERN M&A Erfolgsgarantie

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Siegel Beste Berater für Unternehmensnachfolge
Siegel Top Unternehmensnachfolge Beratung
Beste Berater - Auszeichnung SZ Institut
German Customer-Awards 2024

Josef Andrés Exper­ti­se für Ihre erfolg­rei­che Unternehmens­nachfolge in Freiburg

Born 1975, gradua­te engineer (HTL), specia­li­sing in civil enginee­ring, quali­fied syste­mic business & manage­ment coach (CAS/ECA) with a focus on change manage­ment, innova­ti­on and transaction.

Specia­list for business succes­si­on, Compa­ny sale and compa­ny acqui­si­ti­on in Switz­er­land. Founder and managing partner of several inter­na­tio­nal­ly active compa­nies in the field of market research / consul­ting / training / human resour­ces development.

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Karl Rehfuß Exper­ti­se für Ihre erfolg­rei­che Unternehmens­nachfolge in Freiburg

Born in 1968, commer­cial specia­list (IHK). Exten­si­ve experi­ence in the develo­p­ment and expan­si­on of medium-sized compa­nies in specia­li­sed whole­sa­le and indus­try within the construc­tion sector and its infrastructure.

In additi­on, many years of manage­ment experi­ence with a focus on supply chain manage­ment, natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal sales and human resour­ces manage­ment. Autho­ri­sed consul­tant and lectu­rer of the SME OFFENSIVE for business succession.

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Ingo Claus from KERN repre­sen­ted me and my interests optimally 

When unexpec­ted compli­ca­ti­ons arose during negotia­ti­ons for the takeover of a practi­ce, I turned to KERN and Mr. Ingo Claus. From the very begin­ning, I felt profes­sio­nal­ly accom­pa­nied by Mr Claus and that I and my interests were optimal­ly repre­sen­ted. Thanks to Mr. Claus’ negotia­ting skills, his objec­ti­ve, clear, goal-orien­ted commu­ni­ca­ti­on, his efforts to find a good soluti­on for both parties to the contract and his outstan­ding abili­ty to calmly media­te and maintain an overview, a soluti­on satis­fac­to­ry to both sides (!) was quick­ly found for the takeover of the practi­ce. Many thanks!

A.P. ? Specia­list from Bramsche  , Owner of a specia­list medical practice 

Organi­sa­ti­on of a successful succes­si­on for a craft business 

We were very satis­fied with Mr Claus from the KERN compa­ny. In parti­cu­lar, his commit­ment helped us a lot in organi­s­ing a successful succes­si­on for a craft business. We are happy to recom­mend Mr Claus to others.

Herbert Seus  , Entre­pre­neur from Wilhelmshaven 

Using many examp­les, he descri­bed the complex process of finding a succes­sor in a very practi­cal way 

I got to know Ingo Claus from KERN as a speak­er at a highly recom­men­ded workshop on the topic of selling a compa­ny. Using many examp­les, he descri­bed the complex process of finding a succes­sor in a very practi­cal way.

T.M. ? Compa­ny sales­man from Osnabrück 

… Very satis­fied and would recom­mend Kern at any time and without reservation. 

What I parti­cu­lar­ly liked about KERN and Mr Ingo Claus was the very profes­sio­nal and trusting way in which he dealt with me as a compa­ny seller and the interes­ted parties. Mr Claus always acted in a soluti­on-orien­ted manner and was in constant dialo­gue between me as the seller and the poten­ti­al buyers. Even though the sale was not comple­ted in the end, which was due to exter­nal circum­s­tances, I was very satis­fied with the work done by KERN and Mr Claus and would recom­mend KERN and him at any time and without reservation.

M.B., entre­pre­neur from Lower Saxony  , Owner of a proper­ty develo­p­ment company 

KERN’s help, advice & support is worth its weight in gold 

As an entre­pre­neur with over 40 years of profes­sio­nal experi­ence, you certain­ly know a lot about a lot of things, but in no way about “succes­si­on”. :-). I can only highly recom­mend Nils Koerber and Ingo Claus. Emotio­nal­ly, human­ly and profes­sio­nal­ly, succes­si­on is one of the most diffi­cult tasks that an entre­pre­neur has to solve. The help, advice & support is worth its weight in gold and has really helped us in all aspects of this very complex topic. And it all worked out.

Klaus Bronder - vom Hove  , Entre­pre­neur from Enniger­loh - Owner of a premi­um furni­tu­re store 

We have Ingo Claus from KERN to thank for the unexpec­ted­ly successful sale of our company 

Mr. Ingo Claus had accom­pa­nied us in the diffi­cult task of finding a suita­ble succes­sor for our expert office. We owe the unexpec­ted­ly successful sale of our compa­ny to him. Mr Claus has a fine sense for tricky negotia­ting situa­tions, skilful­ly and calmly he finds the right ideas for soluti­ons that are accep­ta­ble to both contrac­ting parties. Mr Claus accom­pa­nied the project with a wealth of experi­ence, knowledge of human nature and negotia­ting skills. We are happy to recom­mend him.

Katha­ri­na Leisner ? Specia­list planner from Harsewinkel  , Owner of an enginee­ring and planning office 

From the very first moment, KERN unders­tood how to create a very trusting basis for the project. 

From the very first moment, Mr. Ingo Claus unders­tood how to create a very trusting basis for the start of the project - to form a basis for discus­sion among the share­hol­ders within the frame­work of a workshop, so that a very effici­ent further develo­p­ment of the ideas could take place within the compa­ny. We would like to thank you for this very pleasant and trusting coope­ra­ti­on and will gladly recom­mend your group of compa­nies to others.

I.K. - Entre­pre­neur from Flensburg  , Co-partner of a sewer cleaning company 

Very much appre­cia­ted his abili­ty to get to grips with the ins and outs of family businesses 

I got to know Mr Claus in 2010 as part of an expan­si­on project for an owner-managed compa­ny. During this time, I came to appre­cia­te his goal-orien­ted approach and his abili­ty to get to grips with the speci­fics of family businesses. I am happy to recom­mend him.

Petra Rausch ? Entre­pre­neur from Lohmar  , Advises family businesses on inter­na­tio­na­li­sa­ti­on projects 

Maintai­ned a constant dialo­gue between myself as the seller and the poten­ti­al acquirers 

What I parti­cu­lar­ly liked about KERN and Mr Ingo Claus was the very profes­sio­nal and trusting way in which he dealt with me as a compa­ny seller and the interes­ted parties. Mr Claus always acted in a soluti­on-orien­ted manner and was in constant dialo­gue between me as the seller and the poten­ti­al buyers. Even though in the end the sale was not concluded, which was due to exter­nal circum­s­tances, I was very satis­fied with the work done by Kern and Mr Claus and would recom­mend Kern and him at any time and without reservation.

M.B. ? Project develo­per from Buxtehude  , Owner of a proper­ty develo­p­ment company 

Ingo Claus from KERN repre­sen­ted me and my interests optimally 

A.P. ? Specia­list from Bramsche  Inhabe­rin einer Facharztpraxis 

When unexpec­ted compli­ca­ti­ons arose during negotia­ti­ons for the takeover of a practi­ce, I turned to KERN and Mr. Ingo Claus. From the very begin­ning, I felt profes­sio­nal­ly accom­pa­nied by Mr Claus and that I and my interests were optimal­ly repre­sen­ted. Thanks to Mr. Claus’ negotia­ting skills, his objec­ti­ve, clear, goal-orien­ted commu­ni­ca­ti­on, his efforts to find a good soluti­on for both parties to the contract and his outstan­ding abili­ty to calmly media­te and maintain an overview, a soluti­on satis­fac­to­ry to both sides (!) was quick­ly found for the takeover of the practi­ce. Many thanks!

Very much appre­cia­ted his abili­ty to get to grips with the ins and outs of family businesses 

Petra Rausch ? Entre­pre­neur from Lohmar  Berät Famili­en­un­ter­neh­men bei Internationalisierungsprojekten 

I got to know Mr Claus in 2010 as part of an expan­si­on project for an owner-managed compa­ny. During this time, I came to appre­cia­te his goal-orien­ted approach and his abili­ty to get to grips with the speci­fics of family businesses. I am happy to recom­mend him.

Using many examp­les, he descri­bed the complex process of finding a succes­sor in a very practi­cal way 

T.M. ? Compa­ny sales­man from Osnabrück 

I got to know Ingo Claus from KERN as a speak­er at a highly recom­men­ded workshop on the topic of selling a compa­ny. Using many examp­les, he descri­bed the complex process of finding a succes­sor in a very practi­cal way.

Start enter­pri­se value calcu­la­ti­on FREE OF CHARGE

For what reason do you want to calcu­la­te the enter­pri­se value?

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Buying a compa­ny is an exten­si­ve under­ta­king. First of all, one has to be clear about whether and which company[…]
Earn out when selling a compa­ny
Der Earn Out ist ein wesent­li­cher Bestand­teil bei Firmen­ver­käu­fen, um einen gerech­ten und zukunfts­ori­en­tier­ten Kaufpreis zu gewähr­leis­ten. Er teilt den[…]
Vendor Due Diligence
Maximie­ren Sie Ihren Verkaufs­er­folg! Die Vendor Due Diligence (VDD) ist entschei­dend im Unter­nehmens­verkauf und bietet Verkäu­fern einen strate­gi­schen Vorteil. Durch[…]

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KERN Corpo­ra­te Succes­si­on Freiburg
Legal­ly indepen­dent locati­on
Josef André & Karl Rehfuß
Kaiser-Joseph-Str. 254
79098 Freiburg im Breisgau

Phone +49 761 55724843

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