Unternehmens­nachfolge / M&A in Polen, Deutsch­land, terreich und der Schweiz

The search for a Specia­lists for your Compa­ny saleThe time for a change of genera­ti­on or a compa­ny acqui­si­ti­on has come to an end. You too can achie­ve the best results with the coope­ra­ti­on of the German-Polish Chamber of Indus­try and Commer­ce and KERN in Poland and the D-A-CH region.
KERN M&A Erfolgsgarantie

Start get-to-know video

We make your business succes­si­on more successful

Compa­ny sale

Learn every­thing you need to know about selling your life’s work. In the video “Selling a compa­ny in 10 steps” you will learn about the proven KERN M&A process. Also in the video, you will learn how the founders of Acoustic­pearls fulfil­led their dream by selling their company.

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Genera­ti­on change

Succes­si­on within the family needs soluti­ons that also take the emotio­nal side into account. In the video with Nils Koerber, disco­ver the holistic KERN family process for genera­tio­nal change. Get your free copy of the expert guide as a PDF download.

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Compa­ny acquisition

Buying a compa­ny is a big decis­i­on. Here you can find out why this path is easier, more lucra­ti­ve and more exciting than setting up your own business. Disco­ver how the KERN network can help you with your successful business purcha­se. Start right away by setting up your free search profile.

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Siegel Beste Berater für Unternehmensnachfolge
Siegel Top Unternehmensnachfolge Beratung
Beste Berater - Auszeichnung SZ Institut
German Customer-Awards 2024

How and where do you find the right buyer for your company?

What is your compa­ny really worth?

Wir bewer­ten Ihr Unter­neh­men nach anerkann­ten Standards und können Ihren Verkauf komplett anonym am Markt platziert.

Who is the right buyer for the future?

We screen and analy­se inves­tors for the best selec­tion. You leave nothing to chance.


Wer beherrscht den komple­xen Nachfolgeprozess?

Wir machen nichts Anderes. Exper­ten­wis­sen aus über tausend Nachfol­ge­fäl­len. Ab Sommer jetzt auch in Koope­ra­ti­on mit der offizi­el­len AHK in Polen.

We answer your questi­ons and provi­de advice in Polish.

Find out now about our range of services for compa­ny succession

In the coope­ra­ti­on between AHK-Poland and KERN, we offer you a unique combi­na­ti­on of services for your M&A project in the entire D-A-CH region and for Poland. Final­ly, all services are available from a single source.

So that you make the right decis­i­on ? our promi­se on our services for your business succes­si­on project


Fitness check and value enhancement

Fitness check with Compa­ny sale check­list for the exami­na­ti­on of salea­bi­li­ty and compa­ny valua­ti­on accor­ding to recog­nis­ed proce­du­res as well as deter­mi­na­ti­on of the sales strategy (e.g. bidding procedure).

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Unter­neh­mens­be­wer­tung  nach verschie­de­nen Verfahren

Creati­on of a sales-effec­ti­ve Compa­ny sale exposés (Infor­ma­ti­on Memoran­dum) and an anony­mous short profi­le to address prospec­ti­ve buyers. Becau­se the first impres­si­on is decisive.

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Verkaufs­pro­zess und Unter­nehmens­verkauf - Exposé

Identi­fy­ing, coordi­na­ting and approa­ching poten­ti­al buyers as well as the targe­ted search in the best Compa­ny sale exchan­ges.

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Who is the best buyer for your company?

Exami­na­ti­on of suita­ble offers and negotia­ti­ons with the best possi­ble interes­ted parties until the conclu­si­on of a preli­mi­na­ry agree­ment (LOI)

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The letter of intent (LoI) or decla­ra­ti­on of intent

Due diligence by the buyer, negotia­ti­on and conclu­si­on of the transac­tion Compa­ny purcha­se agree­ment.

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Durch­füh­rung einer Due Dilli­gence Prüfung

The follow-up to the compa­ny takeover, such as integra­ti­on of teams, synchro­ni­sa­ti­on of missi­on state­ments, etc.

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Kaufver­trag und das Finale im Firmenverkauf

Exami­na­ti­on of suita­ble offers and negotia­ti­ons with the best possi­ble interes­ted parties until the conclu­si­on of a preli­mi­na­ry agree­ment (LOI)

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Post merger integration

Due diligence by the buyer, negotia­ti­on and conclu­si­on of the transac­tion Compa­ny purcha­se agree­ment.

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Was ist Ihr Lebens­werk heute bei einem Verkauf wert?

Jetzt Unter­neh­mens­wert-Berech­nung GRATIS starten 

Arran­ge your initi­al consul­ta­ti­on with your nearest KERN partner

I would like advice on …

Known from numerous publications