Junge Menschen in einer Boulderhalle

Café Kraft / Bould­er­hal­le ? Compa­ny sale

Logo Café Kraft

About the company 

The Café Kraft, is the first bould­e­ring hall in Nurem­berg and the second bould­e­ring hall in Germa­ny. At Café Kraft, custo­mers can expect a unique sports and leisu­re world that combi­nes bould­e­ring, a living room atmosphe­re & a unique event locati­on. Challenges of all levels of diffi­cul­ty are offered here. From recrea­tio­nal athle­tes to Olympic athle­tes ? everyo­ne has fun at Café Kraft.

Café Kraft is known far beyond the region by young and old and has had a signi­fi­cant influence on bould­e­ring in Germa­ny.

Basics webinar presen­ted by Nils Koerber

Compa­ny sale (M&A) without risk and loss of value

The task 

Securing the succes­si­on of the compa­ny and thus also the locati­on under the condi­ti­on that all employees have a future and the custo­mers conti­nue to have an attrac­ti­ve bould­e­ring hall in the region.

What the client says about the project

Reto Faulen­bach:

?II am very happy that I had a good sparring partner in KERN and Wolfgang Bürger, so that I could live through all the ups and downs of the sales process and have a partner at my side at all times who I could turn to and who could help me.

I would only stron­gly recom­mend any seller to get profes­sio­nal guidance.”

About the buyer

The buyer of the Café Kraft bould­e­ring hall is of the stein­bock climbing sports GmbH from Nurem­berg, which alrea­dy opera­tes six other bould­e­ring halls in Germa­ny and Austria. With this acqui­si­ti­on, the buyer secures a highly attrac­ti­ve locati­on and thus conso­li­da­tes its relevant place among the large bould­e­ring hall opera­tors in an indus­try that is charac­te­ri­sed by incre­asing­ly strong conso­li­da­ti­on movements.

State­ment by Dr. Heinz Gores, Managing Direc­tor of stein­bock climbing sports GmbH

The Mr. Bürger’s guidance throug­hout the process was always in partner­ship and at eye level. We as buyers were also able to turn to him at any time and with any concerns, even though he was manda­ted on the seller’s side. This gave us a good feeling at all times. given.