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Buying an existing GmbH: A compre­hen­si­ve guide for buyers

The acqui­si­ti­on of an existing GmbH is a strate­gi­cal­ly important step for entre­pre­neurs, promi­sing quick market entry and estab­lished resour­ces. This compre­hen­si­ve guide offers you an in-depth look at the funda­men­tals, challenges and benefits of buying a limit­ed compa­ny. From the defini­ti­on of a limit­ed liabi­li­ty compa­ny to the strate­gic planning and execu­ti­on of the acqui­si­ti­on, all key aspects are cover­ed. Disco­ver practi­cal tips, finan­cial conside­ra­ti­ons, legal aspects and the importance of a thorough Due Diligence. Immer­se yours­elf in the world of GmbH acqui­si­ti­ons and prepa­re yours­elf to successful­ly enter the corpo­ra­te landscape with clear goals and a well-thought-out strategy.

Don’t have much time to read?

The most important facts about the artic­le at a glance:

  • Basics for the purcha­se of a GmbH: 
    • Defini­ti­on of the GmbH.
    • Diffe­ren­ces to the new foundation.
    • Challenges, advan­ta­ges, due diligence.
  • What to look out for when acqui­ring a GmbH: 
    • Clear business goals and strategies.
    • Market analy­sis, target identification.
    • Finan­cial prepa­ra­ti­on, due diligence, advice.
  • Practi­cal tips for GmbH takeovers: 
    • Clear target defini­ti­on before purchase.
    • Obtain profes­sio­nal advice.
    • Carry out careful due diligence.
    • Trans­pa­rent commu­ni­ca­ti­on with employees.
    • Develop a focus­sed integra­ti­on strategy.
  • 8 steps to buying a GmbH: 
    • Clear objec­ti­ves and strategy.
    • Compre­hen­si­ve market and target identification.
    • Finan­cial prepa­ra­ti­on and planning.
    • Due diligence, profes­sio­nal advice.
    • Contract design, integra­ti­on, monitoring.
Video on the contents of the entre­pre­neur check

Disco­ver where your strengths lie with our scien­ti­fi­cal­ly based entre­pre­neur check.

Basics for the purcha­se of a GmbH

Taking over an existing GmbH can be a strate­gic move for entre­pre­neurs, both accele­ra­ting market entry and provi­ding estab­lished resources. 

What is a limit­ed liabi­li­ty company?

A GmbH (limit­ed liabi­li­ty compa­ny) is a legal form for compa­nies that is widespread in many count­ries. It is charac­te­ri­sed by its limit­ed liabi­li­ty, which means that the perso­nal liabi­li­ty of the share­hol­ders is limit­ed to their contri­bu­ti­ons, the so-called share capital. The GmbH is an indepen­dent legal entity that has assets and liabilities.

Advan­ta­ges of buying an existing GmbH

Grafik Vorteile beim Kauf einer bestehenden GmbH
  • Fast market entry: Immedia­te opera­tio­nal activi­ty, as the GmbH has alrea­dy been founded. You literal­ly do not reinvent the wheel, but utili­se existing struc­tures and can rely on well-estab­lished teams in the target company.
  • Adopti­on of estab­lished resour­ces: An existing custo­mer base, long-standing suppli­er relati­onships and contracts facili­ta­te business continuity.
  • Receipt of sales and profits alrea­dy reali­sed: Attrac­ti­ve­ness through the oppor­tu­ni­ty to build on existing finan­cial successes.

Challenges when buying a GmbH

Grafik Herausforderungen beim GmbH Kauf
  • Due diligence: Need for a thorough analy­sis of risks and liabilities.
  • Contract review: Analy­sis of existing contracts and legal aspects.
  • Balan­ce sheet analy­sis: Exami­na­ti­on of the finan­cial “health” and stabi­li­ty of the GmbH.
  • Conside­ra­ti­on of conta­mi­na­ted sites: Identi­fi­ca­ti­on and handling of possi­ble histo­ri­cal burdens.
  • Legal dispu­tes: Risk assess­ment of current or poten­ti­al legal conflicts.

Diffe­rence to new foundation

Compared to founding a new compa­ny, the purcha­se of an existing GmbH offers some clear diffe­ren­ces within the frame­work of the “buying instead of founding” concept. Where­as with a start-up, the entre­pre­neur has to build a compa­ny from scratch, the buyer of an existing GmbH takes over an existing business. This signi­fi­cant­ly reduces the start-up risk. However, it should be noted that it may be neces­sa­ry to adapt to existing struc­tures and proces­ses. Indivi­du­al room for manoeu­vre may be limit­ed, but rapid market positio­ning can still offer a decisi­ve advantage.

Video: Why it’s better to buy a compa­ny instead of founding a new one

What you should look out for if you want to acqui­re a GmbH

The acqui­si­ti­on of a GmbH is a crucial step that should be accom­pa­nied by careful planning and compre­hen­si­ve checks. This section provi­des a detail­ed insight into the essen­ti­al aspects that you should keep in mind when conside­ring the acqui­si­ti­on of an existing GmbH.

  1. Legal form and struc­tu­re of the target GmbH: Choosing the right legal form and analy­sing the struc­tu­re of the target GmbH are essen­ti­al. Clari­fy whether the GmbH corre­sponds to your business objec­ti­ves and long-term plans. A detail­ed exami­na­ti­on of the artic­les of associa­ti­on and struc­tures is essen­ti­al in order to identi­fy possi­ble restric­tions or conflicts.
  2. Finan­cial due diligence: Thorough finan­cial due diligence is key to under­stan­ding the econo­mic founda­ti­on of the GmbH. Review balan­ce sheets, income state­ments and cash flow state­ments to assess finan­cial stabi­li­ty and perfor­mance. Identi­fy poten­ti­al risks and hidden liabi­li­ties, such as pensi­on obliga­ti­ons, to minimi­se future finan­cial challenges.
  3. Contract and legal review: The takeover of a GmbH often entails existing contracts and legal obliga­ti­ons. Careful exami­na­ti­on of these documents is essen­ti­al to avoid poten­ti­al liabi­li­ty risks. Consider all ongoing legal matters and clari­fy open questi­ons to avoid unplea­sant surpri­ses after the acquisition.
  4. Employees and corpo­ra­te cultu­re: A smooth transi­ti­on requi­res conside­ra­ti­on of the employees and the corpo­ra­te cultu­re. Analy­se the existing team, their quali­fi­ca­ti­ons and the state of the corpo­ra­te cultu­re. A well-integra­ted team and a suita­ble corpo­ra­te cultu­re can have a signi­fi­cant impact on the success of the takeover.
  5. Compe­ti­ti­ve analy­sis: Analy­se the market environ­ment in which the GmbH opera­tes. A thorough compe­ti­ti­ve analy­sis enables you to under­stand the positio­ning of the target GmbH in the market and identi­fy poten­ti­al oppor­tu­ni­ties and risks. This forms the basis for strate­gic decis­i­ons after the acquisition.
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Prepa­ra­ti­on for the purchase

In the follo­wing section, the decisi­ve steps are highligh­ted in order to optimal­ly prepa­re the acqui­si­ti­on process.

Market analy­sis and objectives

The basis for a successful GmbH purcha­se is a compre­hen­si­ve market analy­sis. Careful­ly analy­se the market environ­ment, the compe­ti­ti­on, poten­ti­al growth oppor­tu­ni­ties and current trends. The objec­ti­ve should be clear­ly defined - identi­fy your long-term business goals and check whether the GmbH to be acqui­red is in line with your strate­gic direc­tion. This step lays the founda­ti­on for an infor­med decis­i­on and effec­ti­ve integra­ti­on after the acquisition.

Finan­cial planning and budgeting

Sound finan­cial planning is essen­ti­al to manage the finan­cial aspects of the GmbH acqui­si­ti­on. Create a detail­ed finan­cial plan that takes into account not only the purcha­se price, but also poten­ti­al additio­nal costs such as due diligence, legal advice and possi­ble opera­tio­nal adjus­t­ments. Budge­ting makes it possi­ble to alloca­te finan­cial resour­ces effici­ent­ly and ensure that the acqui­si­ti­on is in line with the company’s finan­cial capacities.

The purcha­sing process

The search for a suita­ble GmbH and its subse­quent valua­ti­on are criti­cal phases in the acqui­si­ti­on process. A syste­ma­tic approach and thorough analy­sis are essen­ti­al to ensure that the acqui­si­ti­on is in line with your company’s strate­gic objec­ti­ves and finan­cial capabi­li­ties. The more precise your speci­fic ideas about the target compa­ny are, the higher your chances of success.

Search for the right GmbH

The search for the ideal GmbH requi­res a precise defini­ti­on of your requi­re­ments and objec­ti­ves. Identi­fy clear crite­ria such as indus­try, compa­ny size, geogra­phi­cal locati­on and finan­cial perfor­mance. Utili­se profes­sio­nal networks, indus­try events and business brokers to identi­fy poten­ti­al acqui­si­ti­on targets. Thorough research and a targe­ted approach are key to finding compa­nies that are a good cultu­ral and business fit for your organisation.

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Evalua­ti­on and analy­sis of poten­ti­al GmbHs

Valuing and analy­sing poten­ti­al target compa­nies are crucial steps in deter­mi­ning the value and suita­bi­li­ty of a GmbH for your business. Conduct a detail­ed due diligence that covers both finan­cial and legal aspects. Consider not only past finan­cial perfor­mance, but also future poten­ti­al and risks. Pay atten­ti­on to criti­cal factors such as existing contracts, employee struc­tu­re and any legal encum­bran­ces. A compre­hen­si­ve analy­sis ensures that you make well-infor­med decis­i­ons and recog­ni­se poten­ti­al pitfalls at an early stage.

Finan­cial considerations

Finan­cial conside­ra­ti­ons play a central role in the purcha­se of a GmbH and requi­re thorough planning and conside­ra­ti­on of various aspects. This section covers important finan­cial conside­ra­ti­ons to ensure a sound acqui­si­ti­on process.

Finan­cing options for the purcha­se of a GmbH

Finan­cing options for the purcha­se of a GmbH are of crucial importance and requi­re thorough analy­sis. Four important finan­cing instru­ments are

  • Equity:
    • Includes finan­cial resour­ces of the shareholders.
    • Offers indepen­dence as no repay­ments are required.
    • However, it increa­ses perso­nal finan­cial responsibility.
  • Debt capital:
    • Inclu­si­on of loans or credits.
    • Enables more capital to be raised.
    • Bears the risk of higher interest payments and repayments.
  • Bank loans:
    • Direct borro­wing from finan­cial institutions.
    • Requi­res a solid credit rating and collateral.
    • Offers fixed interest rates and repay­ment terms.
  • Share­hol­dings:
    • Invol­vement of inves­tors or capital providers.
    • Expands finan­cial resources.
    • Goes hand in hand with share­hol­dings and co-deter­mi­na­ti­on rights.

The choice of optimal finan­cing depends on indivi­du­al compa­ny objec­ti­ves, finan­cial situa­ti­on and risk appeti­te. Careful conside­ra­ti­on of these options enables a well-founded decis­i­on and lays the founda­ti­on for a successful GmbH acquisition.

Video on finan­cing the acqui­si­ti­on of a company

Business valua­ti­on

Careful evalua­ti­on of the target compa­ny is of central importance for a successful GmbH purcha­se. Two points you should pay atten­ti­on to:

  • Valua­ti­on methods:
    • Use various valua­ti­on methods, inclu­ding the capita­li­sed earnings value method and the net asset value method.
    • The capita­li­sed earnings value method often takes prece­dence and is decisi­ve for the return on investment.
  • Factors for the valuation:
    • Consider not only past finan­cial perfor­mance, but also the company’s future potential.
    • Analy­se the market positi­on of the GmbH in order to deter­mi­ne the total value accurately.

The precise valua­ti­on lays the founda­ti­on for deter­mi­ning an appro­pria­te purcha­se price and identi­fies poten­ti­al risks. The capita­li­sed earnings value method in parti­cu­lar plays a key role and should be taken into account when making decis­i­ons about the return on investment.

Buy a GmbH without share capital

The option of acqui­ring a GmbH without share capital offers a wide range of finan­cing options:

  • Contri­bu­ti­ons in kind:
    • Contri­bu­ti­on of assets (e.g. machi­nes, patents) instead of money.
    • Enables start-up or takeover without cash.
    • Requi­res a precise valua­ti­on of the assets contributed.
  • Loans:
    • Utili­sa­ti­on of debt capital through borrowing.
    • Provi­des short-term liqui­di­ty without equity dilution.
    • Requi­res a solid credit rating and clear repay­ment plans.
  • Equity contri­bu­ti­ons by the shareholders:
    • Finan­cing through perso­nal contri­bu­ti­ons by the shareholders.
    • Shows commit­ment and trust of the owners.
    • However, influen­ces their finan­cial stability.

The possi­bi­li­ty of acqui­ring a GmbH without share capital requi­res a thorough exami­na­ti­on of the sources of finan­cing and the associa­ted legal aspects. It is crucial to consider the long-term effects on the capital struc­tu­re and credit­wort­hi­ness in order to ensure sustainable finan­cial stability.

Legal aspects

The legal frame­work for buying a GmbH is of crucial importance and requi­res close scruti­ny and careful contract drafting. This section highlights the key legal aspects that should be conside­red in connec­tion with the acqui­si­ti­on of a GmbH.

Legal basis for the purcha­se of a GmbH

In-depth knowledge of the legal basis for the purcha­se of a GmbH is crucial. Below are four important points:

  • Legal requi­re­ments and regulations:
    • Inves­ti­ga­te the speci­fic laws and regula­ti­ons for GmbH takeovers in your country.
    • Consider local regula­ti­ons that may affect the acqui­si­ti­on process.
  • Legal requi­re­ments for contracts:
    • Review the contracts related to the GmbH, inclu­ding the purcha­se agree­ment and trans­fer agreements.
    • Protect yours­elf legal­ly in order to minimi­se possi­ble risks.
  • Obliga­ti­ons of the contrac­ting parties to co-operate:
    • Clari­fy the respon­si­bi­li­ties and obliga­ti­ons of the parties invol­ved in the takeover process.
    • Create clear agree­ments to avoid conflicts.
  • Forma­li­ties under compa­ny law:
    • Pay atten­ti­on to all compa­ny law forma­li­ties associa­ted with the acqui­si­ti­on of a GmbH.
    • Ensuring proper compli­ance with legal requirements.

A sound knowledge of these legal aspects not only provi­des securi­ty, but also facili­ta­tes the smooth imple­men­ta­ti­on of the takeover process. The invol­vement of experi­en­ced lawyers with transac­tion experi­ence is essen­ti­al in order to avoid any pitfalls.

Contract design

The drafting of contracts plays a decisi­ve role in the takeover process of a GmbH. There are three important points to consider:

  • Purcha­se price and liabi­li­ty regulations:
    • Detail­ed speci­fi­ca­ti­on of the purcha­se price and clear regula­ti­ons on liabi­li­ty minimi­se uncertainties.
    • Conside­ra­ti­on of liabi­li­ty aspects in order to address poten­ti­al risks.
  • Transi­tio­nal agree­ments and assurances:
    • Integra­ti­on of transi­ti­on agree­ments for a seamless transi­ti­on after the acquisition.
    • Clear defini­ti­on of assuran­ces to fulfil the expec­ta­ti­ons of both parties.
  • Profes­sio­nal legal advice:
    • Empha­sis­ing the indis­pensable role of profes­sio­nal legal advice.
    • Guaran­tee that the contract meets the interests of all parties and fulfils legal standards.

The careful drafting of contracts creates a solid basis for a successful business acqui­si­ti­on and minimi­ses the risk of legal dispu­tes. Exper­ti­se from experi­en­ced lawyers is essen­ti­al here.

Due Diligence Audit

Carry­ing out a thorough due diligence review is an essen­ti­al step when purcha­sing a GmbH in order to minimi­se poten­ti­al risks and identi­fy oppor­tu­ni­ties. This section explains the importance and process of due diligence as well as the key steps in identi­fy­ing risks and opportunities.

Importance and proce­du­re of due diligence

Due diligence is a compre­hen­si­ve review process that exami­nes the finan­cial, legal and opera­tio­nal aspects of the target compa­ny. Its importance lies in uncove­ring poten­ti­al risks and ensuring that all relevant infor­ma­ti­on is available in a trans­pa­rent manner. The process includes analy­sing finan­cial documents, legal obliga­ti­ons, opera­tio­nal proces­ses and strate­gic plans. Thorough due diligence lays the founda­ti­on for well-founded decis­i­ons in the takeover process.

Identi­fi­ca­ti­on of risks and opportunities

The identi­fi­ca­ti­on of risks and oppor­tu­ni­ties is a central compo­nent of due diligence. By analy­sing finan­cial reports, contracts, legal documents and opera­tio­nal proces­ses, poten­ti­al risks such as hidden liabi­li­ties, legal conflicts or opera­tio­nal weakne­s­ses can be uncover­ed. At the same time, due diligence enables the identi­fi­ca­ti­on of oppor­tu­ni­ties, such as unrea­li­sed poten­ti­al, strate­gic advan­ta­ges or more effici­ent opera­tio­nal proces­ses. A compre­hen­si­ve assess­ment of risks and oppor­tu­ni­ties makes it possi­ble to under­stand the overall value of the target compa­ny and make an infor­med decis­i­on about the acquisition.

Risks and challenges

The acqui­si­ti­on of a GmbH harbours certain risks and challenges that need to be recog­nis­ed and proac­tively addres­sed. This section highlights poten­ti­al challenges and shows ways in which they can be successful­ly overco­me. In additi­on, dealing with legacy issues and liabi­li­ties is a key aspect.

Possi­ble challenges and how to overco­me them

Various challenges can arise when taking over a GmbH:

  • Diver­se challenges:
    • Cultu­ral diffe­ren­ces and diffe­ren­ces in the employee struc­tu­re are just a few examp­les of the varie­ty of challenges invol­ved in a compa­ny takeover.
    • Diffi­cul­ties in corpo­ra­te commu­ni­ca­ti­on, adapting to new opera­ting proce­du­res and possi­ble resis­tance within the team are further aspects that need to be overcome.
  • Coping strate­gies:
    • Effec­ti­ve change manage­ment, trans­pa­rent commu­ni­ca­ti­on and profes­sio­nal team manage­ment are funda­men­tal strategies.
    • Targe­ted training to prepa­re employees for change can also be effective.
  • Early detec­tion and measures:
    • Early identi­fi­ca­ti­on of poten­ti­al diffi­cul­ties makes it possi­ble to take preven­ti­ve measures.
    • Acting proac­tively to address criti­cal issues helps to ensure smooth integra­ti­on and successful­ly overco­me poten­ti­al challenges.

Dealing with legacy burdens and liabilities

You should pay parti­cu­lar atten­ti­on to this when it comes to dealing with legacy burdens and liabi­li­ties when acqui­ring a GmbH:

  • Thorough due diligence:
    • Carry out careful due diligence to compre­hen­si­ve­ly identi­fy histo­ri­cal obligations.
  • Clear agree­ments in the takeover contract:
    • Set out clear and precise agree­ments in the takeover contract to define how to deal with legacy issues.
    • Consider integra­ting provi­si­ons to address finan­cial challenges in a targe­ted manner.
  • Profes­sio­nal legal advice:
    • Seek profes­sio­nal legal advice to minimi­se poten­ti­al liabi­li­ty risks.
    • Ensure that the transi­ti­on runs smooth­ly by relying on clear and legal­ly sound agreements.

These aspects are crucial to successful­ly managing legacy issues and liabi­li­ties and ensuring an effici­ent transition.

Practi­cal tips if you want to take over a GmbH

Acqui­ring a limit­ed compa­ny is a challen­ging process that requi­res careful planning and execu­ti­on. Here are some practi­cal tips that can help you ensure a smooth and successful transition:

Grafik mit praktischen Tipps für den Kauf einer GmbH
  1. Define clear business objec­ti­ves: Set clear business objec­ti­ves before you start the acqui­si­ti­on process. Define what goals you want to achie­ve with the acqui­si­ti­on and make sure they are in line with your long-term business strategy.
  2. Obtain profes­sio­nal support: Seek profes­sio­nal advice from lawyers, tax advisors and business consul­tants. These experts can help you assess legal, finan­cial and opera­tio­nal aspects and ensure that you make well-infor­med decisions.
  3. Carry out careful due diligence: Invest time and resour­ces in thorough due diligence. Analy­se the finan­cial health, legal obliga­ti­ons and opera­tio­nal effici­en­cy of the target GmbH to identi­fy poten­ti­al risks.
  4. Clear commu­ni­ca­ti­on with employees: Commu­ni­ca­te clear­ly and trans­par­ent­ly with the target company’s employees. An open dialo­gue creates trust and facili­ta­tes the integra­ti­on process.
  5. Develop a focus­sed integra­ti­on strategy: Develop a focus­sed integra­ti­on strategy that takes into account both the business proces­ses and the corpo­ra­te cultu­re. A well thought-out integra­ti­on contri­bu­tes to the successful merger of the two companies.
  6. Maintain flexi­bi­li­ty and adapta­bi­li­ty: Be flexi­ble and adapt to the new circum­s­tances. Change is inevi­ta­ble and the abili­ty to adapt is crucial for a successful transition.
  7. Maintain a long-term perspec­ti­ve: Take a long-term view of the acqui­si­ti­on of a GmbH. Make sure that your strategy takes into account not only short-term goals, but also long-term values and successes.

Learn how to make a compa­ny purcha­se a success in our compa­ny purcha­se guide.

8 steps to buying a GmbH

Grafik In 8 Schritten zum GmbH Kauf

Buying a GmbH requi­res a struc­tu­red approach and precise planning. Here are the key steps you can follow to successful­ly buy a GmbH:

  • Step 1: Clear target defini­ti­on and strategy: Clear­ly define your business objec­ti­ves and strate­gies for the takeover. Clear objec­ti­ves help to keep the entire process focussed.
  • Step 2: Compre­hen­si­ve market research and target identi­fi­ca­ti­on: Carry out thorough market research to identi­fy poten­ti­al takeover targets. This step forms the basis for the selec­tion of a suita­ble GmbH.
  • Step 3: Finan­cial prepa­ra­ti­on and planning: Prepa­re yours­elf finan­ci­al­ly by drawing up clear finan­cing plans. Budget not only the purcha­se price, but also additio­nal costs such as due diligence and integra­ti­on costs.
  • Step 4: Carry out due diligence: Carry out detail­ed due diligence to analy­se all relevant aspects of the target compa­ny. This includes legal, finan­cial and opera­tio­nal reviews.
  • Step 5: Obtain profes­sio­nal advice: Seek profes­sio­nal support from lawyers, tax advisors and business consul­tants to ensure you under­stand all the legal and finan­cial aspects properly.
  • Step 6: Contract drafting and negotia­ti­ons: Draft clear and compre­hen­si­ve contracts that cover all relevant aspects of the purcha­se. Negotia­te skilful­ly to secure the best terms for your purchase.
  • Step 7: Integra­ti­on and imple­men­ta­ti­on of the strategy: After the purcha­se, focus on effec­ti­ve integra­ti­on and imple­ment your long-term strategy. Clear commu­ni­ca­ti­on and a smooth transi­ti­on phase are crucial here.
  • Step 8: Long-term monito­ring and adjus­t­ment: Conti­nuous­ly monitor the perfor­mance of the acqui­red compa­ny and adjust your strategy if neces­sa­ry. A long-term perspec­ti­ve is the key to sustainable success.


Acqui­ring an existing limit­ed compa­ny opens up a wide range of oppor­tu­ni­ties to accele­ra­te business opera­ti­ons and utili­se estab­lished resour­ces. This guide provi­des a compre­hen­si­ve insight into the basics of buying a limit­ed compa­ny, from the defini­ti­on of a limit­ed liabi­li­ty compa­ny to the challenges, benefits and clear diffe­rence to a new compa­ny. A strate­gic limit­ed compa­ny purcha­se requi­res careful planning, the defini­ti­on of clear business objec­ti­ves, finan­cial prepa­ra­ti­on and thorough due diligence. The choice of finan­cing options, a precise valua­ti­on of the target compa­ny and conside­ra­ti­on of legal aspects are crucial for a successful acqui­si­ti­on. Trans­pa­rent commu­ni­ca­ti­on with employees, a focus­sed integra­ti­on strategy and maintai­ning a long-term perspec­ti­ve are key aspects for a smooth transi­ti­on. Overall, these steps and tips provi­de a struc­tu­red process for successful­ly acqui­ring owner­ship of a GmbH.

FAQ - The most frequent­ly asked questions

How can I assess the finan­cial health of a limit­ed liabi­li­ty compa­ny?

The finan­cial health of a GmbH can be asses­sed by analy­sing balan­ce sheets, profit and loss state­ments and cash flow state­ments. In additi­on, thorough due diligence is requi­red to identi­fy poten­ti­al finan­cial risks.

What are the first steps when buying a GmbH?

The first steps in acqui­ring a GmbH include a clear defini­ti­on of the business objec­ti­ves, compre­hen­si­ve market research to identi­fy poten­ti­al acqui­si­ti­on targets, and finan­cial prepa­ra­ti­on and planning.

What costs are incur­red when purcha­sing an existing GmbH?

The costs of purcha­sing an existing GmbH can include the purcha­se price itself, due diligence costs, profes­sio­nal advice from lawyers and consul­tants and any integra­ti­on costs.

What types of compa­ny are there?

Compa­ny forms can be, for examp­le, the GmbH (limit­ed liabi­li­ty compa­ny), the AG (public limit­ed compa­ny) and the UG (entre­pre­neu­ri­al compa­ny), depen­ding on the needs and objec­ti­ves of the company.

What is a shell compa­ny?

A shell GmbH is a GmbH that has been founded but has not yet had any business activi­ties. It is often used for the sale or reorga­ni­sa­ti­on of a company.

What is a shelf compa­ny?

A GmbH Vorrats­ge­sell­schaft, or Vorrats GmbH, is a GmbH that has alrea­dy been founded, which is held in stock and later sold to enable a compa­ny to be founded quickly.

How can you buy a Vorrats GmbH?

A Vorrats GmbH can be acqui­red through the purcha­se of shares or the acqui­si­ti­on of the GmbH inclu­ding the share capital. This enables the rapid availa­bi­li­ty of an alrea­dy founded and regis­tered company.