Suchstrategien von Unternehmenskäufern

Search strate­gies of corpo­ra­te buyers

The search strate­gies of compa­ny buyers were the focus of an event in the ‘NACHFOLGE konkret’ series of events organis­ed by the Osnabrück District Econo­mic Develo­p­ment Agency, WIGOS. For compa­ny buyers, the ageing of medium-sized compa­ny owners offers many opportunities.

Alrea­dy today, many indus­tries resem­ble a buyer’s market. There­fo­re, compa­ny buyers have a wide range of compa­ny offers to choose from. The district of Osnabrück, which is charac­te­ri­sed by many family businesses, is no excep­ti­on to this nation­wi­de develo­p­ment. A Lack of entre­pre­neurs threatens.

Diffe­rent search strate­gies of corpo­ra­te buyers

Speak­er Ingo Claus from KERN ? Die Nachfolge­spezialisten in Osnabrück illumi­na­ted the topic from diffe­rent angles in his presen­ta­ti­on. He answe­red the questi­on: Why does demogra­phic develo­p­ment offer oppor­tu­ni­ties for growth-orien­ted family businesses in the region? He also addres­sed the diffe­rent types of business buyers. He also showed their diffe­rent search strate­gies. He also explai­ned which platforms and networks business buyers use. He also descri­bed their expec­ta­ti­ons of a well-prepared sales process.

This results in oppor­tu­ni­ties for expan­ding compa­nies in search of market expan­si­on. Likewi­se, this develo­p­ment offers many oppor­tu­ni­ties for start-ups. They can take over healt­hy and estab­lished companies.

Axel Kolhos­ser from the WIGOS business service was convin­ced: “The good econo­mic develo­p­ment is current­ly masking the fact that a majori­ty of all family entre­pre­neurs in the region are alrea­dy older than 50. That is why many compa­ny bosses will arran­ge their compa­ny succes­si­on in the coming years?

Intra-family business succes­si­ons are on the decline

As in the nation­wi­de trend, there will also be fewer intra-family genera­tio­nal changes in the district of Osnabrück. This is also confirm­ed by the nation­wi­de Study by KERN ? The succes­si­on specia­lists: Alrea­dy today, around 5,600 SMEs in the Osnabrück Chamber of Indus­try and Commer­ce district are older than 50. This means that around 60% of all entre­pre­neurs in the region will face the task of organi­s­ing their own compa­ny succes­si­on in the next few years.

Becau­se experi­ence shows: For well-prepared compa­nies, the complex process of corpo­ra­te succes­si­on is more promi­sing than for the unpre­pared competition.

Changes of perspec­ti­ve are worthwhile

A compa­ny seller should always put on the glasses of a prospec­ti­ve buyer when prepa­ring a compa­ny sale. This gives him a feeling for what makes his compa­ny parti­cu­lar­ly exciting, or even uninte­res­t­ing, for a poten­ti­al buyer,” Claus explai­ned. For this reason, thorough prepa­ra­ti­on of a compa­ny sale is always a worthwhile invest­ment. After all, good prepa­ra­ti­on elimi­na­tes possi­ble obsta­cles to the sale in advan­ce. The positi­ve side effect: the selling compa­ny boss is perfect­ly prepared for his compa­ny sale. And he knows the search strate­gies of compa­ny buyers.

How does the buyer’s perspec­ti­ve help in the sale of a compa­ny?

A compa­ny seller should always consider the buyer’s perspec­ti­ve as well. This gives him a feeling for the strengths and weakne­s­ses of his compa­ny. But thorough prepa­ra­ti­on also helps in the sale of a compa­ny and removes possi­ble obsta­cles to the sale at an early stage.