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Compa­ny succes­si­on is female!

The future of Germany’s family businesses is current­ly at stake. This year alone, 240,000 succes­sors are being sought, and time is running out for around 100,000 businesses that need to arran­ge succes­si­on by the end of 2019. On the other hand, there is a growing shorta­ge of suita­ble succes­sors. Against this background, it is not only ludicrous not to give daugh­ters and women a chance as poten­ti­al succes­sors. It is downright negli­gent. For KERN ? Die Nachfolge­spezialisten is there­fo­re certain: Compa­ny succes­si­on is female! Becau­se more female entre­pre­neurs mean more future!

With these three most important skills, women secure the future of your company: 

Basics webinar presen­ted by Nils Koerber

Compa­ny sale (M&A) without risk and loss of value

1.     Profes­sio­nal­ly outstan­ding quali­fi­ca­ti­on for business succession.

More than 50 percent of all German univer­si­ty gradua­tes are women, who often gradua­te with better grades than men. Compa­ny succes­si­on is female, especi­al­ly when it comes to excel­lent educa­ti­on and degrees.

2. with high motiva­ti­on and analy­ti­cal leader­ship style for business succession.

Women entre­pre­neurs often act more cautious­ly than men, which does not mean they are less motiva­ted! Rather, they first create a compre­hen­si­ve data basis on which they analy­se situa­tions, explain them and act accor­din­gly. Less polemics ? more analy­sis is the motto here. Becau­se business succes­si­on is female when things have to be brought to the point.

3. with social compe­tence and empathy for business succession.

The digita­li­sa­ti­on of the working world requi­res commu­ni­ca­ti­ve and social skills, team spirit and a parti­ci­pa­ti­ve leader­ship style. These are all skills that women entre­pre­neurs bring with them in a very authen­tic way. It is easier for them to encou­ra­ge their employees to be creati­ve and to develop talents. Moreo­ver, women tradi­tio­nal­ly act stron­gly in network struc­tures and know how to develop them sustain­ab­ly and resiliently.

What measu­res should trans­fer­ors of family businesses who wish to have a succes­sor take?

Especi­al­ly in the case of family-inter­nal succes­si­on, they should first­ly address and encou­ra­ge their daugh­ters to take on the succes­si­on and second­ly promo­te appro­pria­te training. In additi­on, they increase the attrac­ti­ve­ness of a female succes­si­on, among other things, if they:

  • Develo­ping employees and promo­ting talent from within the ranks
  • Coope­ra­te with the transferee
  • Invol­ve the second manage­ment level ? Women like to work in a team
  • Giving trust and also allowing trust
  • Show appre­cia­ti­on for women’s abili­ties and their diffe­rent leader­ship style

The promo­ti­on of women as succes­sors and entre­pre­neurs unfort­u­na­te­ly still repres­ents an insuf­fi­ci­ent­ly exploi­ted poten­ti­al. Yet they can make an important contri­bu­ti­on to securing the future of small and medium-sized businesses in Germa­ny. 2019 can also be a good year for business succes­si­on, if trans­fer­ors also meet with female succes­sors on an equal footing. Becau­se: Compa­ny succes­si­on is female! More female entre­pre­neurs with future-relevant skills mean more future for your company!

Follow this Link, to get more infor­ma­ti­on about events and workshops with the topic: ‘Business succes­si­on is female’.

Tips for further reading:

5 important trends in business succes­si­on in 2019

Sharing valuable learnings from women entre­pre­neurs in the succes­si­on process

Lack of entre­pre­neurs: juniors shy away from family-inter­nal business successions

Lack of business succes­sors threa­tens family businesses

How do you find reputa­ble business sale advisors?

Genera­tio­nal change in family businesses

Photo: IStock­pho­to

What quali­fi­ca­ti­ons are important for female business succes­sors?

Interes­t­ingly, more than 50 percent of all German univer­si­ty gradua­tes are women and thus excel­lent­ly quali­fied for leader­ship roles in business succession. 

Do women lead differ­ent­ly in business succes­si­on?

Accor­ding to the study, women in leader­ship positi­ons analy­se more exten­si­ve­ly, explain problems more sound­ly and act more thoughtful­ly accordingly. 

What compe­ten­ci­es charac­te­ri­se female business succes­si­on?

Women tend to be more commu­ni­ca­ti­ve and empathe­tic. They also promo­te team spirit and a parti­ci­pa­ti­ve leader­ship style.