Exposé-Deckblatt der Time Work GmbH mit Foto einer Industrielandschaft

The eye eats with you - Step 3.4

We prepa­re a detail­ed infor­ma­ti­on memoran­dum (exposé), if neces­sa­ry also in foreign languages of your choice or neces­si­ty of the target group (at cost). Your detail­ed compa­ny evalua­ti­on is integra­ted into this. Depen­ding on the market situa­ti­on (absolu­te certain­ty about the compe­ti­ti­on), we work with an upstream, neutral exposé as a “safety buffer”. This way, no compe­ti­tor on the market can recog­ni­se that you are on the way to securing succes­si­on with your company.