Eine Hand hakt Punkte einer Liste mit Häkchen ab

Diver­si­ty of content - 7 Genera­ti­on change - Step 1.5

A genera­tio­nal change affects three “systems” at once:

Your family, your compa­ny and also the level of the share­hol­ders (often in perso­nal union with the transferor).

All three systems have diffe­rent function­al logics and are affec­ted emotio­nal­ly and factual­ly by many contents in parallel.


Here is an excerpt of the possi­ble contents:

+ Taking over tasks

+ Quali­fi­ca­ti­ons / Trainings / Certifications

+ Corpo­ra­te missi­on state­ment / corpo­ra­te culture

+ Leader­ship style

+ Decis­i­on-making and commu­ni­ca­ti­on framework

+ organi­gram

+ Employee involvement

+ share­hol­der agreement

+ Managing direc­tor contract / PPA etc.

+ Will

+ Prenup­ti­al agreement

+ gift ./. sale ./. annui­ty ./. rent

+ Fiscal measures

+ Tempo­ral ideas etc. etc.