Last oder Lust? Generationswechsel in Familienunternehmen

Getting to know each other perso­nal­ly - 3 Genera­ti­on change - the start of our cooperation 

A successful genera­tio­nal change process can only succeed with the parti­ci­pa­ti­on of all “actors”. In family systems, it can there­fo­re be useful and important to invol­ve not only the family members who will work direct­ly together in the family business in this process, but also other members of your family “system”.


In a confi­den­ti­al setting we can get to know each other and you as the family can then decide for yours­elf whether all the family members concer­ned are open to the process. Each family member checks for themsel­ves whether they are willing to place their trust in us. Only with the common basis of trust can we work successful­ly in the sense of your goals.


From case to case, we act as advisors, coaches, media­tors or facili­ta­tors. Someti­mes in several roles at the same time. We make this trans­pa­rent for you on an ongoing basis.
And we invite you to read our KERN book “The Art of Letting Go”. You can order your perso­nal copy direct­ly here.