Nahaufnahme eine Weizenähre vor blauem Himmel

Criti­cal selec­tion - 17 K.E.R.N. Market Value Check - Step 4.5

We select and quali­fy the interes­ted parties via the submit­ted purcha­se price offers. You recei­ve a clear overview of all offers and thus have a real market estima­te of the possi­ble value and purcha­se price of your company.

The purcha­se price offers recei­ved, the deriva­ti­on of the buyers’ price expec­ta­ti­ons and possi­ble indica­ti­ons for the further orien­ta­ti­on of your compa­ny after a hando­ver provi­de you with a clear pictu­re for a possi­ble decision.

Now the wheat has been separa­ted from the chaff.