Eine Tastatur mit einer leuchtend roten Taste und der Aufschrift "Datenschutz"

Obliga­ti­on of confi­den­tia­li­ty - 16 K.E.R.N. Market Value Check - Step 4.3

In additi­on to the anony­mi­ty of the documents, the follo­wing appli­es: With the first value indica­ti­on by the poten­ti­al buyer and a further release on your part, the interes­ted party can recei­ve the further, anony­mous compa­ny data from the memoran­dum for a further value indica­ti­on against the signing of a separa­te confi­den­tia­li­ty agreement.


So there are two query rounds:

Round 1 by teaser gives the first, rough indica­ti­on of value.

Round 2 with non-disclo­sure agree­ment and the memoran­dum, results in the second, more resili­ent purcha­se price offer by the poten­ti­al buyer.


After­wards, you decide on further steps or cancel the process.