Grafik von 7 schwarzen Männchen mit einem orangenen Männchen in der Mitte

Who, where and how - 12 K.E.R.N. Market Value Check - Step 3.6

From our preli­mi­na­ry discus­sions, we now final­ly define the prima­ry and secon­da­ry buyer groups and draw up a list of all poten­ti­al interes­ted parties.

This exten­si­ve prepa­ra­ti­on serves the purpo­se of addres­sing strate­gic prospec­ti­ve buyers and poten­ti­al finan­cial and priva­te inves­tors in a precis­e­ly fitting manner.

This list is also checked and appro­ved by you.

In this way, we ensure that only those poten­ti­al buyers are approa­ched who you would ideal­ly also accept.