Exposé-Deckblatt der Time Work GmbH mit Foto einer Industrielandschaft

The eye eats with you - 10 K.E.R.N. Market Value Check - Step 3.4

We prepa­re an anony­mous infor­ma­ti­on memoran­dum (exposé), if neces­sa­ry also in foreign languages of your choice or neces­si­ty of the target group (at cost). This also integra­tes the most important key business figures of the past, present and future.

We make sure that the descrip­ti­on of your business model is rather abstract so that no identi­fi­ca­ti­on can take place. This means that, as a rule, no compe­ti­tor on the market can recog­ni­se that you are on the way with your compa­ny in a possi­ble succes­si­on plan.

This memoran­dum will be review­ed and appro­ved by you.