Zwei Geschäftsfrauen sprechen über Unterlagen in ihrem Büro

Commu­ni­ca­ti­on for compa­nies and family systems - 7 Media­ti­on - Step 1.5

With the successful resolu­ti­on of conflicts through the use of media­ti­on, the questi­on arises for families or entire teams in compa­nies as to how conflicts can be avoided in the future?


There is no world without conflict, but there are excel­lent­ly tested and proven commu­ni­ca­ti­on techni­ques that help to bring your every­day life in MITEINANDER to a comple­te­ly new level.

And that is exact­ly what we can also offer you support for.

So if, with or after media­ti­on, you feel the curio­si­ty and interest to learn a new kind of “language”, we are happy to be your contact.

As a book recom­men­da­ti­on just have a look here >