Ein Mann und eine Frau im Anzug veranstalten eine Arm-Drück Wettbewerb

Does media­ti­on make sense for you? - 4 Media­ti­on - Step 1.2

Check the follo­wing questi­ons for yours­elf and then decide whether media­ti­on can be a real oppor­tu­ni­ty and alter­na­ti­ve for you.


How many hours, days or even weeks do you spend dealing with your conflict over and over again?


How much strength, nerves and time (and thus also money !) have you inves­ted so far and would you like to conti­nue to invest in this conflict in the future?

Without a concre­te soluti­on being foreseeable?


Do you fear health problems in the long run if the current situa­ti­on continues?


Do you feel the conflict(s) as a burden? Please rate yours­elf on a scale of 1 ? 10 (1 = low burden / 10 = extre­me burden)


Do you think that your family system, your bond with friends, your relati­onship with co-workers, will be damaged if the conflict conti­nues, or will it also have positi­ve effects?


Is your company/work suffe­ring from the conflict?


Does the conflict/situation limit your quali­ty of life?


Would you like to reach an out-of-court soluti­on as quick­ly and confi­den­ti­al­ly as possi­ble that is support­ed by all parties invol­ved in the conflict?


Would you like to take respon­si­bi­li­ty for resol­ving the conflict and perhaps even increase your competence?


If you decide to engage in media­ti­on, is this done openly and volun­t­a­ri­ly or do you feel it is a pressu­re situation?