Grafik von 7 schwarzen Männchen mit einem orangenen Männchen in der Mitte

Market sound­ing - 9 Compa­ny acqui­si­ti­on - Step 3.1

As the leading consul­ting brand for business succes­si­on and an incom­pa­ra­b­ly large M&A network (natio­nal­ly and inter­na­tio­nal­ly with a good 300,000 concre­te profiles), we exami­ne all relevant purcha­se offers for you in this step.

We conduct inter­views with poten­ti­al sellers of compa­nies or invest­ments and thus sound out the best and most interes­t­ing offers for you. You will be infor­med about all contacts and recei­ve a short memoran­dum on the invest­ment offers.