Ein Mann steht an einer Weggabelung mit der Aufschrift: Alter Weg - Neuer Weg

Invest­ment Coaching - 4 Compa­ny acqui­si­ti­on - Step 1.5

As an option to the start of a compre­hen­si­ve search and invest­ment process, we also offer you perso­nal coaching for your planned purcha­se. In one day, you will work with us to develop your search profi­le and optimi­se your self-presen­ta­ti­on to poten­ti­al sellers. KERN has its own Online assess­ment for future entre­pre­neurs develo­ped. With this Poten­ti­al analy­sis you will find your most important fields of develo­p­ment and can choose your life’s decis­i­on for a future in entre­pre­neur­ship in a secure way.

We explain to you in detail the entire process of a transac­tion and are your sparring partner in the context of a possi­ble takeover as a previous employee of a compa­ny. We discuss with you the struc­tu­re of a business plan and the possi­bi­li­ties of purcha­se price finan­cing. The content of this day will be discus­sed with you before­hand and will be geared in detail to your needs. Only then will you decide on further steps and the basic cooperation.