Ingo Claus (K.E.R.N - Die Nachfolgespezialisten) und Rita Hofheinz (DocuServe) diskutierten über Unternehmensnachfolge.

Unregu­la­ted compa­ny succes­si­ons endan­ger family businesses in the printing industry

The figures from the Insti­tu­te for SME Research (IFM) in Bonn are clear: by 2018, a good 135,000 family businesses with around two milli­on jobs will have to find a new boss. Ten years ago, two-thirds of the genera­ti­on change was organis­ed within the family, but this model is current­ly used in less than 40 % of all business successions.

Fewer succes­sors in entre­pre­neu­ri­al families

With these numbers opened Holger Haber­mann and Ingo Claus by K.E.R.N ? Die Nachfolge­spezialisten (The Succes­si­on Specia­lists), together with the Fachver­band Führungs­kräf­te der Druck­in­dus­trie und Infor­ma­tons­ver­ar­bei­tung e.V. (FDI). (FDI) on the subject of corpo­ra­te succes­si­on as part of the ?11th DocuSer­ve Appli­ca­ti­on Forum? at Munich Univer­si­ty of Appli­ed Sciences.

From their point of view, it is important to plan compa­ny succes­si­on early and strate­gi­cal­ly, becau­se a succes­si­on project takes an avera­ge of two to three years. Parti­cu­lar­ly in times of demogra­phic change, handing over the entre­pre­neu­ri­al baton to exter­nal succes­sors is a crucial issue for the future of the printing indus­try, which is domina­ted by family businesses: unregu­la­ted compa­ny succes­si­ons endan­ger many smaller printing companies.

Compa­ny succes­si­on as a strate­gic project

In their presen­ta­ti­on, the succes­si­on advisors went into the indivi­du­al phases of a successful business succes­si­on. Good prepa­ra­ti­on is very important in this context: In the context of prepa­ring a business valua­ti­on or prepa­ring an exposé, not only possi­ble questi­ons of the business succes­sor and his finan­ciers are answe­red in advan­ce. Ideal­ly, this even uncovers weakne­s­ses: Becau­se elimi­na­ting them often leads to a sustainable increase in the value of the company.

Ingo Claus pointed out that the conside­ra­ti­on of emotio­nal factors is at least as important as the clari­fi­ca­ti­on of legal and tax issues: “At the begin­ning, there is always the decis­i­on to actively deal with the trans­fer of a life’s work. In our work we very often find that many entre­pre­neurs strugg­le with this decis­i­on? An unfore­seen emergen­cy often makes the risks of an unregu­la­ted succes­si­on painful­ly clear. About 70 % of all entre­pre­neurs have made no provi­si­on for an emergen­cy,” Claus continued.

Genera­tio­nal changes are often highly emotional

In the context of a succes­si­on process, it is also helpful to consult a consul­tant specia­li­sed in business succes­si­on. Consul­tants often take on the role of media­tors,” said Holger Haber­mann. Due to their experi­ence, they often recog­ni­se poten­ti­al conflicts at an early stage and, through targe­ted modera­ti­on between the trans­fer­or and the succes­sor, prevent them from breaking out openly in the first place.

Follo­wing the presen­ta­ti­on, Rita Hofheinz, host and managing direc­tor of DocuSer­ve, repor­ted on a successful­ly organis­ed family-inter­nal compa­ny succes­si­on. Six years ago, the entre­pre­neur and her two daugh­ters first discus­sed the upcoming genera­ti­on change. Together they develo­ped a multi-stage strategy for the hando­ver, which led to her daugh­ter Katja Washing­ton joining her mother’s compa­ny in 2011. For Hofheinz, open commu­ni­ca­ti­on is the basis for a successful compa­ny hando­ver: “Proble­ma­tic issues must be addres­sed openly at an early stage and discus­sed in a contro­ver­si­al and soluti­on-orien­ted manner. Then the compa­ny succes­si­on will be a success?

About K.E.R.N - The Business Succes­si­on Specialists:

K.E.R.N - Die Nachfolge­spezialisten - are the experts on the subject of compa­ny succes­si­on, compa­ny sale, genera­tio­nal change in family businesses and compa­ny acqui­si­ti­on in medium-sized businesses.
Founded in Bremen in 2004, the consul­ting firm is repre­sen­ted at 12 locati­ons throug­hout Germa­ny and supports family businesses in all questi­ons of business succes­si­on and genera­tio­nal change. By develo­ping indivi­du­al soluti­ons for the trans­fer, sale and purcha­se of businesses, K.E.R.N und Partner secures corpo­ra­te values for both the trans­fer­or and the successor.
On its own exclu­si­ve Compa­ny exchan­ge prospec­ti­ve buyers can, for examp­le, regis­ter direct­ly for the search for their desired compa­ny free of charge and view the current offers of compa­nies for sale directly.

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