IFB Hamburg Logo in rot und Navy Blau mit Hamburger Sykline

Subsi­dies for Hamburg business successors

The Hambur­gi­sche Inves­ti­ti­ons und Förder­bank today presen­ted its new support program­me for business succes­sors and start-ups.

Hambur­gi­sche Inves­ti­ti­ons- und Förder­bank (IFB Hamburg), in coope­ra­ti­on with Bürgschafts­ge­mein­schaft Hamburg GmbH (BG), grants invest­ment and working capital loans for start-ups and business succes­si­ons at very favoura­ble condi­ti­ons. The favoura­ble interest rates are made possi­ble by a subsidy from the Senate of the Hansea­tic City.

Below we answer the most important points about the new funding programme:

Who is supported?

  • Start-ups,
  • small and medium-sized enter­pri­ses (SMEs) craft enterprises,
  • Freelan­cers (e.g. doctors/tax consultants/architects),
  • other service providers,

The prere­qui­si­te is that these compa­nies or entre­pre­neurs have not been active on the market for longer than 5 years.

What is promoted?

  • All invest­ments and active parti­ci­pa­ti­ons (from 10 %) in Hamburg that requi­re a long-term provi­si­on of funds and can be expec­ted to achie­ve long-term econo­mic success.
  • Working capital inclu­ding inven­to­ry to compen­sa­te for growth-related liqui­di­ty needs, to expand business activi­ties and to compen­sa­te for tempo­ra­ry liqui­di­ty bottlen­ecks (based on the existing business plan).

Under what condi­ti­ons are the subsi­dies available?

Funding is available for up to 100 % of eligi­ble costs. Maximum 500,000,? ? per project, up to 1,000,000,? ? (in 3 calen­dar years) per borrower unit, taking into account the respec­ti­ve guaran­tee ceiling of the guaran­tee community.

How high is the own contri­bu­ti­on for recei­ving the funding?

For loans up to and inclu­ding 150,000,? ? the own funds porti­on is 10 % of the project, from 150,000,? ?, own funds amoun­ting to 15 % must be provided.

For working capital finan­cing, the term is 5 years with fixed interest condi­ti­ons. For invest­ment finan­cing, terms of 5, 7, 8 or 10 years with fixed interest condi­ti­ons are possi­ble. The first year is always repayment-free.

What is the special feature of this funding programme?

The highlight is: for a loan up to and inclu­ding 150,000,? ? an interest rate is agreed that is indepen­dent of perso­nal credit­wort­hi­ness and the colla­te­ral available.

If the loan is larger than 150,000,? ? a custo­mer-speci­fic interest rate is set, just as with a bank, taking into account the borrower’s econo­mic circum­s­tances and BG’s default guaran­tee as well as the value of the colla­te­ral provi­ded for the loan.

However, this is still very attrac­ti­ve at less than 2% per annum as of 21/11/2014.

What else needs to be considered?

The so-called “house bank princi­ple” appli­es to these subsi­dies. The appli­ca­ti­on must be submit­ted to the entrepreneur’s house bank before the start of the project. The loan is secured in accordance with standard banking practi­ce. The form and scope of the colla­te­ral is agreed between the borrower, the credit insti­tu­ti­on and the guaran­tee association.

The follo­wing documents are requi­red for the appli­ca­ti­on: Project concept (invest­ments) incl. cost estima­tes, compa­ny presen­ta­ti­on, planning documents (balan­ce sheet and BWA) for the next 3 business years or current BWA and balan­ce sheets of the last 3 years as well as earnings forecast and liqui­di­ty planning (opera­ting funds) for the next 3 business years.

This is how it works

  • Contact your bank advisor.
  • Apply for the loan at a credit insti­tu­ti­on of your choice inclu­ding a BG default guaran­tee. If you wish, IFB Hamburg will forward your guaran­tee appli­ca­ti­on to BG.
  • BG exami­nes your guaran­tee appli­ca­ti­on and informs you, your credit insti­tu­ti­on and IFB Hamburg of the result.
  • IFB Hamburg will check the eligi­bi­li­ty of your appli­ca­ti­on and inform your credit institution.
  • Conclude the contract at your credit institution.
  • Have your credit insti­tu­ti­on draw down the funds.
  • Start your project.

How long does the appli­ca­ti­on process take? 

Accor­ding to the IFB, a decis­i­on will be made within 4-6 weeks. The prere­qui­si­te is that all documents for apply­ing for funding are complete.

More infor­ma­ti­on is available here: http://www.ifbhh.de/wirtschaft/gruendung/hamburg-kredit-gruendung-und-nachfolge