Schriftzug 34% der Firmen suchen einen Unternehmensnachfolger vor Kölner Sykline

Compa­ny succes­si­on in Rhine­land-Palati­na­te: 1/3 of all compa­nies are looking for a new boss

The ageing business commu­ni­ty and the incre­asing­ly topical issue of business succes­si­on in Rhine­land-Palati­na­te are incre­asing­ly becoming the focus of regio­nal discus­sion. Associa­ti­ons, business develo­p­ment agenci­es and chambers are devoting more and more space to this topic in their event calen­dars and adviso­ry meetings. Is this turn to the topic scare­mon­ge­ring or reality? 

The Insti­tu­te for SME Research and the KfW estab­lished in indepen­dent studies some time ago that Germa­ny is facing a wave of business succes­si­on. Accor­ding to IFM, around 135,000 compa­nies with around 2 milli­on employees are facing a genera­tio­nal change by 2018. This is undoub­ted­ly an impres­si­ve­ly large number: a look at the indivi­du­al federal states reveals major diffe­ren­ces. In the econo­mic­al­ly strong state of North Rhine-Westpha­lia, for examp­le, around 29,400 compa­nies and in Bavaria 23,900 are facing the issue of succession.

34% of all firms seek business succes­si­on in Rhineland-Palatinate

Only 6,200 compa­nies have to plan their business succes­si­on in Rhine­land-Palati­na­te in the same period. This does not sound parti­cu­lar­ly high in compa­ri­son, but it corre­sponds to 34 percent of all active compa­nies in the region. In plain language, this means that in more than a third of the SME-managed compa­nies in Rhine­land-Palati­na­te, the captain will disem­bark and retire in the next three years.

For many compa­ny owners, the conti­nua­tion of their business is the greatest entre­pre­neu­ri­al chall­enge of the coming years. Rhine­land-Palati­na­te cannot escape the nation­wi­de trend either: Only about 40 percent of entre­pre­neurs find their succes­sor within their own family. Nevert­hel­ess, in about 17 percent of all genera­tio­nal changes, a compa­ny succes­sor can be found among the employees of one’s own compa­ny within the frame­work of a manage­ment buy-out. In about 35 percent of all cases, an exter­nal business succes­si­on must be organis­ed in Rhineland-Palatinate.

As a result, 8-10 percent of all senior entre­pre­neurs alrea­dy have to reckon with not finding a succes­sor and closing the compa­ny. And the trend is rising. What are the reasons for this?

  • Lack of entre­pre­neurs: The willing­ness to become self-employ­ed and take on entre­pre­neu­ri­al respon­si­bi­li­ty is decre­asing among the younger genera­ti­ons. Reasons for this include perso­nal life planning, an increased need for leisu­re time and finan­cial reasons. Especi­al­ly in the skilled crafts sector, the Lack of entre­pre­neurs abundant­ly clear. Despi­te the mostly positi­ve future prospects, fewer and fewer entre­pre­neurs are finding master craft­smen or entre­pre­neurs willing to take over. Many young craft­smen in the master classes of the chambers are not ready to under­ta­ke entre­pre­neu­ri­al responsibility.
  • Farm sizes: Many of the compa­nies to be trans­fer­red are affec­ted by struc­tu­ral change in their respec­ti­ve sectors. For small businesses that are alrea­dy barely earning a fair market wage due to their order and turno­ver situa­ti­on and have no return on equity, conti­nua­tion is at risk.
  • Purcha­se price expec­ta­ti­ons: Owners of small businesses in parti­cu­lar often have very high expec­ta­ti­ons of the price to be achie­ved in the event of a sale. Unrea­li­stic purcha­se price expec­ta­ti­ons make it diffi­cult to find a succes­sor and to finan­ce the purchase.

This makes it diffi­cult for many of these small, regio­nal­ly rooted compa­nies to find a business succes­sor in Rhineland-Palatinate.

So what can a business owner do when prepa­ring for genera­tio­nal change?

A business succes­si­on in Rhine­land-Palati­na­te is a complex project that needs to be managed profes­sio­nal­ly. For this reason, it is advisa­ble to always seek compe­tent advice when prepa­ring a business succes­si­on. The consul­ta­ti­ons often offered free of charge by chambers and associa­ti­ons and the low-cost compa­ny exchan­ges provi­de an initi­al rough overview of the most important topics of the upcoming succes­si­on project. About these Check­list senior entre­pre­neurs also recei­ve an initi­al overview of the status of their succes­si­on project.

Specia­li­sed consul­tanci­es then help with the concre­te prepa­ra­ti­on and imple­men­ta­ti­on. Owners of smaller compa­nies often shy away from the costs invol­ved in organi­s­ing the genera­ti­on change and try to manage this project along­side their day-to-day business. However, inves­t­ing in the profes­sio­nal prepa­ra­ti­on and imple­men­ta­ti­on of a compa­ny succes­si­on pays off: A struc­tu­red process signi­fi­cant­ly increa­ses the proba­bi­li­ty of success of the project. A reputa­ble succes­si­on advisor also accom­pa­nies entre­pre­neurs of smaller compa­nies cost-effec­tively in sub-areas, e.g. in the prepa­ra­ti­on of a Business valua­ti­onThe prepa­ra­ti­on of a compa­ny exposé and accom­pa­nies negotiations.

Syste­ma­tic nation­wi­de search increa­ses chances of success

In the syste­ma­tic search for a succes­sor, the advisor’s network helps to identi­fy poten­ti­al buyers. With opera­te, for examp­le, K.E.R.N - Die Nachfolge­spezialisten ? a nation­wi­de candi­da­te exchan­ge on which around 1,500 vetted compa­ny buyers are current­ly regis­tered with their detail­ed search profiles.

Not only in the case of a family-inter­nal business succes­si­on in Rhine­land-Palati­na­te does an experi­en­ced modera­tor or media­tor help to elimi­na­te possi­ble conflicts in the process of genera­tio­nal change and to find workab­le rules and agreements.

In summa­ry, it can be said that business succes­si­on is a highly topical issue in Rhine­land-Palati­na­te and throug­hout Germa­ny. The proba­bi­li­ty of success of the project increa­ses through profes­sio­nal prepa­ra­ti­on and implementation.

Tips for further reading:

Comment: Shorta­ge of skilled workers leads to shorta­ge of entrepreneurs

40% of all entre­pre­neurs do not find a business successor

DIHK warns of entre­pre­neu­ri­al bottlen­eck in SMEs

How do you find reputa­ble business sale advisors?

Inter­view: Prepa­ring the succes­si­on within the family well

New EU Inheri­tance Regula­ti­on: Retire­ment in Spain ? Disin­he­ri­ted spouse