Unternehmer treffen sich in einem Raum & schütteln sich zur Begrüßung die Hand

Selling a compa­ny in the IT industry

When we talk to IT entre­pre­neurs, we often hear the phrase “Selling the compa­ny? Later…”.
Compa­ny sale. That is far away. That’s something close to retire­ment. Much too soon. But what if a compa­ny sale offers the chance for something new?

Why then wait until old age and not reap the fruits that are ripe now? This artic­le provi­des the answers.

The German IT market in transition

The time is good for the sale of IT compa­nies. The German IT market is current­ly conso­li­da­ting. Compa­nies can only grow organi­cal­ly very slowly due to a lack of resour­ces. Certain­ly not optimal in a fast market. The soluti­ons are acqui­si­ti­ons and sales. Successful IT compa­nies direct­ly buy many resour­ces (and of course custo­mers and turno­ver) through M&A processes.

We are in a buyer’s market. It follows that sellers can choose who they sell to - at least very often. There are hardly any bidding proces­ses in the IT sector here with not at least three interes­ted parties. The situa­ti­on is good and comfortable.

What are the arguments in favour of selling a company?

If you run an IT compa­ny, you should think about it. A sale always brings a moneta­ry advan­ta­ge for the perso­nal future and opens up new opportunities.

If you sell to a strong partner early on, you often have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to conti­nue working on your business - only in a more relaxed way. Your business is better off finan­ci­al­ly through a sale, as the buyer is often a strate­gic inves­tor who brings a natural interest in growth. Perhaps you still have many ideas on how to grow your business further, but lack cash flow and other resour­ces. To reali­se these ideas, a compa­ny sale is an adequa­te means. Besides, with this step you have alrea­dy arran­ged your succes­si­on and can look positively into the future.

Tips for further reading:

Prepa­ring for business succes­si­on - 3 practi­cal tips

Advice traps in the process of business succession

Selling a business: Why a pure success fee makes it diffi­cult to provi­de serious advice

Free webinars on business succession

How do you find reputa­ble business sale advisors?

Image: © Photo by Maryland­Gov Pics / CC BY