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Wanted: Compa­ny succes­si­on in the Ruhr region

Specia­lists for business succes­si­on in the Ruhr region are in demand. In NRW and especi­al­ly in the Ruhr conur­ba­ti­on, around 29,400 compa­nies are ready to be handed over by 2018. This is accor­ding to statis­tics from the IfM in Bonn. 

Entre­pre­neurs not only have a special respon­si­bi­li­ty towards the trans­fe­ree, but also towards their employees. For this reason, it is important to deal with the issue at an early stage. We often hear in the initi­al discus­sions that this is ‘too early’, ‘I’ll get to you in the next few years’. Succes­si­on is not important right now. The opera­ti­ve business comes first. This (or something similar) is the argument we hear. However, the importance of finding a succes­si­on soluti­on in good time affects not only the indivi­du­al compa­ny, but above all its employees. A look at the relati­ve figures in NRW provi­des more information.

Looking at compa­nies in NRW relatively:

  • 38 compa­nies per 1,000 compa­nies in NRW are up for trans­fer. (Source: IfM)
  • 461 employees per 1,000 compa­nies in NRW are affec­ted. This puts NRW at the top of the natio­nal league. This means that an unregu­la­ted compa­ny succes­si­on in the Ruhr region can lead to the loss of many jobs.

Large compa­nies with many employees are located around the Rhine and Ruhr. The Ruhr region is changing and is successful­ly trans­forming itself from an indus­tri­al centre to a high-tech and service sector. In the case of a compa­ny succes­si­on in the Ruhr region, it is parti­cu­lar­ly important to focus on the employees of the compa­ny to be handed over in order to successful­ly comple­te the change and thus also a succes­si­on to the next generation.

The special requi­re­ments for advisors in the Ruhr region

Of course, a good succes­si­on advisor in the context of a compa­ny sale or a compa­ny purcha­se must meet all the usual requi­re­ments such as compa­ny valua­ti­on, business manage­ment know-how, negotia­ti­on skills, modera­ti­on and/or business media­ti­on and others. Like every region in Germa­ny, the Ruhr region has its own peculia­ri­ties that must be taken into account as an advisor. The most important are:

  1. Always Keeping an eye on change retain: This appli­es, for examp­le, to the selec­tion of MBI candi­da­tes. The advisor has to check their skills especi­al­ly for future requi­re­ments. A good advisor tries to create a win-win situa­ti­on for all parties invol­ved: First, he helps the entre­pre­neur to find a suita­ble candi­da­te for the compa­ny succes­si­on, thus securing the future of jobs and employees. At the same time, due diligence dicta­tes that the poten­ti­al buyer also be checked to see if he could be happy with the company.
  2. At Eye level with the entre­pre­neur be: The people in the Ruhr region are open but direct. An advisor should speak the language of the region’s entrepreneurs.
  3. Good network Must be present: Especi­al­ly in the Ruhr region, people are literal­ly ‘close together’. A good network can save valuable time in the search for poten­ti­al compa­ny succes­sors, especi­al­ly in M&A processes.
  4. Hones­ty and trans­pa­ren­cy is very important, especi­al­ly in the Ruhr region. Here, the commer­cial handshake often still counts. Important suppli­er relati­onships are often maintai­ned on a perso­nal level without a written contract. Nevert­hel­ess, even in the case of a compa­ny succes­si­on in the Ruhr area, the details of a genera­tio­nal change should be set out in writing and, depen­ding on the form of transac­tion, also (notari­sed).

Tips for further reading:

Prepa­ring for business succes­si­on - 3 practi­cal tips

Advice traps in the process of business succession

Selling a business: Why a pure success fee makes it diffi­cult to provi­de serious advice

Comment: Unresol­ved compa­ny succes­si­ons endan­ger our prosperity

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