Panoramablick von einer Anhöhe über eine besiedelte Hügellandschaft

Compa­ny succes­si­on in the Sauerland

NRW is alrea­dy facing major challenges in terms of business succes­si­on. The situa­ti­on of business succes­si­on in the Sauer­land is also coming to a head. A look at the current figures shows a high demand for soluti­ons for family-run medium-sized businesses. After all, successful­ly organis­ed business succes­si­on in the Sauer­land is conside­red essen­ti­al for the region’s econo­mic earning power.

Study with 11,209 companies

For our regio­nal study “Sauer­land” we have divided the compa­nies into two turno­ver catego­ries. One group of compa­nies has an annual turno­ver of EUR 250,000 up to and inclu­ding EUR 5 milli­on, while the other group includes compa­nies with a turno­ver size of EUR 5 milli­on or more. In total, the Sauer­land has 11,899 compa­nies in both groups, although we only include 11,209 compa­nies in the study becau­se the age of the decis­i­on-makers is known here.

Turno­ver classes up to 5 milli­on euros

If we look at the first grouping of compa­nies, we see that the majori­ty of entre­pre­neurs are between 45 and 50 years old. Here we have a total of 2,218 decis­i­on-makers in the Sauer­land. Direct­ly after that, with a total of 1,856, come the entre­pre­neurs aged between 50 and 55. The 55 to 60 age group, which is direct­ly affec­ted by a possi­ble business succes­si­on, has a relatively high number of 1,438 entre­pre­neurs. The remai­ning age groups from 61 to 80 years compri­se a proud 830 entre­pre­neurs. A figure that should encou­ra­ge short-term action.

Compa­nies with an annual turno­ver of 5 milli­on euros or more

The figures in this turno­ver class are almost analog­ous to the first grouping of enter­pri­ses. Of a total of 1,966 enter­pri­ses conside­red, the age group 45 to 50 years again leads the statis­tics with 497 entre­pre­neurs. This is also follo­wed by entre­pre­neurs aged between 51 and 55 with 391. With almost equal numbers, entre­pre­neurs aged between 40 and 45 (317) and entre­pre­neurs aged between 55 and 60 (308) are neck and neck. The remai­ning entre­pre­neurs come to a total of 197, whereby even 2 entre­pre­neurs are well over 80 years old.

Overall view

If we look at the cumula­ti­ve figures, we find that 45% of the entre­pre­neurs in Sauer­land are over 55 years old, and 69% of the entre­pre­neurs are over 50 years old.

Certain­ly, not all of these compa­nies have a succes­si­on problem becau­se the Sauer­land region in parti­cu­lar is home to many family businesses that are alrea­dy going to pass the compa­ny on to the next genera­ti­on. However, a rather high number of unresol­ved business succes­si­ons remain. In our view, there is an urgent need for action here.

Tips for further reading:

Business sale vs. real estate sale

Advice traps in the process of business succession

The costs of a business succes­si­on or an M&A project

How do you recog­ni­se a reputa­ble business sale advisor?

Selling a compa­ny in the IT industry

Criti­cal succes­si­on situa­ti­on in NRW

Compa­ny succes­si­ons in East Westpha­lia and Biele­feld are on the rise

The 5 most important contents of an entre­pre­neu­ri­al emergen­cy kit