- Baugewerbe: Mangel an Nachfolgern bedroht Familienunternehmen - Construc­tion indus­try: Lack of succes­sors threa­tens family businesses

Demogra­phic change is affec­ting entre­pre­neurs in Germa­ny: in five years’ time, the construc­tion indus­try will have the most compa­ny bosses aged 55 and over. This is the result of a study by the consul­ting group KERN on the age develo­p­ment of family entre­pre­neurs. Accor­ding to the study’s authors, the lack of succes­sors is threa­tening compa­nies and jobs.

Here to the article!

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Compa­ny acqui­si­ti­on (M&A) - indepen­dence or strategy for growth
