Unternehmensnachfolge - heute an morgen denken

IHK Magazi­ne: Compa­ny succes­si­on - thinking about tomor­row today

The magazi­ne of the Osnabrück, Emsland, Grafschaft Bentheim Chamber of Commer­ce and Indus­try published a special feature on the challenges of business succes­si­on in the region. The artic­le points out that, accor­ding to KfW’s estima­tes, not all compa­nies affec­ted by succes­si­on will succeed in being handed over successful­ly, even if they have solid earning power, profi­ta­bi­li­ty and equity capital resour­ces. In KfW’s view, time is alrea­dy running out for 36,000 small and medium-sized enter­pri­ses. These compa­nies are aiming for a business succes­si­on within two years, but have not yet made any prepa­ra­ti­ons. Small compa­nies in parti­cu­lar are usual­ly close­ly linked to the entre­pre­neu­ri­al perso­na­li­ty and often have no or few employees. They alrea­dy have a hard time successful­ly organi­s­ing a compa­ny succes­si­on,” empha­si­s­es the KERN partner from Osnabrück, Germa­ny. Ingo Claus the explo­si­ve situation.

Read more about the situa­ti­on of the Compa­ny succes­si­ons in Osnabrück.

Basics webinar presen­ted by Nils Koerber

Compa­ny sale (M&A) without risk and loss of value

Here to the article!