Roland Grepp­mair

Specia­list for corpo­ra­te succes­si­on in medium-sized compa­nies. 15 years of experi­ence in the automo­ti­ve indus­try. Member of the “Succes­si­on” expert group of the BVMW at federal level. Learn more >

Portrait von KERN Spezialist Roland Greppmair lächelnd
Gläserne Trophäe mit der Aufschrift: Proxima Initiativpreis, Rosi Mittermaier

KERN is an offici­al partner of the Value Preser­va­ti­on and Trans­fer Initiative

On 8 June, for the ninth time, the Initia­ti­ve for the Preser­va­ti­on and Trans­fer of Value will be honou­ring outstan­ding perso­na­li­ties in Bavaria who have made an outstan­ding contri­bu­ti­on to the preser­va­ti­on of values.

KERN is an offici­al partner of the Value Preser­va­ti­on and Trans­fer Initia­ti­ve Read more ”