Unternehmensverkauf BASYS Bartsch EDV-Systeme GmbH

BASYS Bartsch EDV-Syste­me GmbH - Compa­ny sale

Unternehmensverkauf BASYS Bartsch EDV-Systeme GmbH

About the company 

IT system house with a focus on cloud services, IT securi­ty and modern workplace. A modern and high-perfor­mance IT service provi­der with over 30 years of successful histo­ry. A good 70 employees and specia­lists look after custo­mers in the Weser-Ems-Elbe region.

In the Bremen area, BASYS is one of the market leaders in the IT services segment and has the most renow­ned referen­ces among its customers.

Basics webinar presen­ted by Nils Koerber

Compa­ny sale (M&A) without risk and loss of value

The task 

The IT sector in parti­cu­lar (also under Corona condi­ti­ons) is moving in a strong growth market which, from the point of view of the previous share­hol­ders, requi­res a new perspec­ti­ve in terms of strate­gic connec­tions. This was also the reason for handing over the medium-sized family business into new hands.

KERN was able to accom­pa­ny the entire process of securing a succes­sor and imple­men­ted all phases inten­si­ve­ly with the share­hol­ders and the manage­ment, from the search for an inves­tor to the handover.

What the client says about the project

From among the former shareholders:

I have learned to appre­cia­te Mr Koerber’s work and commit­ment very much and I do not regret having turned to him at the time. Without him we would not have come to a successful conclu­si­on. Mr Koerber was convin­cing profes­sio­nal­ly and as a person all along the line.?

Olaf Brand, Managing Direc­tor: “As part of the AWK (Aureli­us Wachs­tums­ka­pi­tal) IT services group, there are comple­te­ly new oppor­tu­ni­ties for us as BASYS to grow and imple­ment new ideas. ID.KOM and BASYS comple­ment each other perfect­ly, both geogra­phi­cal­ly and in terms of products.?

About the buyer

Aureli­us Wachs­tums­ka­pi­tal SE & Co. KG focuses on buy an build, owner buyouts and succes­si­on soluti­ons. AWK’s portfo­lio current­ly compri­ses a total of eight compa­nies. In additi­on to capital for invest­ment and growth, AWK supports the manage­ment of the acqui­red compa­nies with exten­si­ve entre­pre­neu­ri­al experi­ence and thus helps to reali­se growth and levera­ge opera­tio­nal potential.