Verkauf eines Bauunternehmens

BI Bauma­ga­zin No. 8+9 - Is it worth selling a construc­tion compa­ny now?

So far, the Corona crisis has not affec­ted the good econo­mic situa­ti­on in the construc­tion indus­try. On the contra­ry: thanks to the good order backlog of many orders from house builders, indus­try and commer­ce as well as the public sector, turno­ver and earnings are right. This is a perfect start­ing point for the sale of a construc­tion compa­ny. In this artic­le for BI Bauma­ga­zin we explain what you need to watch out for. 

Here to the article!

Basics webinar presen­ted by Nils Koerber

Compa­ny sale (M&A) without risk and loss of value

Image: ©Pixabay/Satynek