Corona, Unternehmensverkauf

Corona, Compa­ny Sale & Now? Part 4

What else will change in the M&A market?

The deter­mi­na­ti­on of purcha­se prices and the drafting of contracts will incre­asing­ly be struc­tu­red in a buyer-friend­ly way. We will proba­b­ly see more so-called closing accounts, which means that the final purcha­se price can only be quanti­fied in the future (after the signing of the purcha­se agree­ment). The seller-friend­ly ‘locked box’ mecha­nism, where the time of the econo­mic transi­ti­on to the signing of the purcha­se agree­ment is chosen in the past, is likely to decli­ne. The risk thus spills over to the seller.

Likewi­se, we will see signi­fi­cant­ly more of so-called earn-out clauses, i.e. the linking of parti­al payments of the purcha­se price to the achie­ve­ment of certain target figures of the compa­ny, such as sales, EBIT, etc.

Basics webinar presen­ted by Nils Koerber

Compa­ny sale (M&A) without risk and loss of value

And/or so-called MAC clauses, which are inten­ded to protect the buyer in the phase between signing (signing of the purcha­se agree­ment) and closing (closing of the transac­tion) from signi­fi­cant perfor­mance losses of the company.

We at KERN remain positive

Corona winners will of course have it easier. But even there, they will be watching close­ly, becau­se oversa­tu­ra­ted markets ? we alrea­dy had it from the webcams ? can be a chall­enge even for the best business model in the near future.

All in all, we at KERN remain positi­ve and the successful results of the last few weeks give us reason not to devia­te from this.

Let us exami­ne together where you stand with your concerns and what needs to be done when, speci­fi­cal­ly in your case. I would like to invite you to do this at the end of this article.

All the best for you ? Whate­ver you are up to!


TIPS for further reading: 

Corona, Compa­ny Sale & Now Part 1

Selling construc­tion compa­nies - is it worth it in the construc­tion boom?

Selling a compa­ny in the IT industry

Is business succes­si­on an oppor­tu­ni­ty for founders?

The coope­ra­ti­ve model - when employees follow in the foots­teps of the compa­ny founders!