Creditreform Magazin - Fusionen und Übernahmen: Der Preis der Krise

Credit­re­form Magazi­ne - Mergers and acqui­si­ti­ons: The price of the crisis

After more than a year of Corona, the skies are brigh­tening again among compa­ny succes­sors and inves­tors. This artic­le descri­bes why clari­ty is parti­cu­lar­ly helpful in diffi­cult times and which purcha­se price elements reflect uncer­tain­ty factors in the purcha­se price. Ingo Claus, specia­list for compa­ny sales in Osnabrück, in East Westpha­lia and the Münster­land region, has his say. Under the follo­wing link, you will find the successful business­man mentio­ned in the artic­le. Sale of a mecha­ni­cal enginee­ring compa­ny.

Here to the article!

Basics webinar presen­ted by Nils Koerber

Compa­ny sale (M&A) without risk and loss of value