Das Genossenschaftsmodell

The coope­ra­ti­ve model - when employees follow in the foots­teps of the compa­ny founders!

The steps to itera­tec nurdem­team eG

The prepa­ra­ti­ons for the founda­ti­on of itera­tec nurdem­team eG were charac­te­ri­sed by a high degree of integra­ti­on of all interes­ted parties. Thus, by June 2018, a group of about 30 people had been found who were interes­ted in parti­ci­pa­ting in the statu­tes of the coope­ra­ti­ve. At each site, a staff member helped to ensure commu­ni­ca­ti­on and to inform all staff at the site about the progress of the founda­ti­on. It never matte­red whether the employee had been with itera­tec for years or had just joined. Everyo­ne was allowed to get invol­ved at any time.

In additi­on to the Artic­les of Associa­ti­on, the election of the Execu­ti­ve Board and Super­vi­so­ry Board is an essen­ti­al step in estab­li­shing the eG. In order to find suita­ble candi­da­tes, each employee could be nomina­ted as a member of the Execu­ti­ve Board or Super­vi­so­ry Board by a colle­ague. Accor­ding to the statu­tes, the Execu­ti­ve Board consists of two members in additi­on to Klaus Eberhardt and Mark Goerke, the Super­vi­so­ry Board must consist of one employee from each of the five largest locati­ons, one employee as a repre­sen­ta­ti­ve for the smallest locati­ons and one employee from the Service Team (employees from the billing, accoun­ting, HR, marke­ting, etc. depart­ments). This is to ensure that the interests of all locati­ons and the service teams are equal­ly represented.

Basics webinar presen­ted by Nils Koerber

Compa­ny sale (M&A) without risk and loss of value

The founda­ti­on of itera­tec nurdem­team eG

The founding final­ly took place through the founding meeting on 13 Decem­ber 2018. With this day, 215 employees of itera­tec GmbH decided right away to become members of the coope­ra­ti­ve, to support the project, and to preser­ve itera­tec and its cultu­re in the future. At the founding meeting, the members were allowed to elect their repre­sen­ta­ti­ves for the board of direc­tors and the super­vi­so­ry board. New colle­agues were thus integra­ted into the founding of the coope­ra­ti­ve from the very begin­ning. Since this founding meeting, a great deal of momen­tum has been created. First, the appli­ca­ti­on to join the auditing associa­ti­on was made and with this appli­ca­ti­on, a request was also made to prepa­re a founda­ti­on report. The founda­ti­on report was comple­ted by the auditing associa­ti­on in March 2019. In additi­on, further organi­sa­tio­nal measu­res were initia­ted: The coope­ra­ti­ve has become part of the start-up support, i.e. new employees of itera­tec GmbH are intro­du­ced to the coope­ra­ti­ve and also repre­sen­ta­ti­ves (super­vi­so­ry board member and, if appli­ca­ble, board member) at the location. 

Working groups have been formed to discuss coope­ra­ti­on in the coope­ra­ti­ve and, for examp­le, the values in the coope­ra­ti­ve. The board has focused prima­ri­ly on the purcha­se agree­ments, commu­ni­ca­ti­on with members, the admis­si­on of new members and the provi­si­on of infra­struc­tu­re. In additi­on, the board has travel­led to each site to gather member and non-member expec­ta­ti­ons of the coope­ra­ti­ve. In doing so, the design of the coope­ra­ti­ve is the respon­si­bi­li­ty of the members, regard­less of whether they have been working at itera­tec GmbH for several years or have just started at iteratec.

In May 2019, itera­tec nurdem­team eG was entered in the regis­ter of coope­ra­ti­ves. The purcha­se agree­ment was also signed as a result. As a result, itera­tec nurdem­team eG alrea­dy holds a 49% stake in itera­tec GmbH. This means that the employees of itera­tec GmbH who have decided to become members of the coope­ra­ti­ve are co-owners of their compa­ny and thus secure their own future.

Making a virtue of neces­si­ty - The itera­tec soluti­on for virtu­al commit­tee voting

General meetings, as face-to-face events, are always associa­ted with a very high level of expen­se. As a result, general meetings are often reduced to the minimum requi­red by law. However, in order to ensure a high level of member parti­ci­pa­ti­on, it would be desira­ble to hold general meetings on a demand-orien­ted basis and thus more frequent­ly. Since the begin­ning of itera­tec nurdem­team eG, some of the members have there­fo­re been conside­ring how general meetings could be held virtual­ly. Together with lawyers, the neces­sa­ry changes to the artic­les of associa­ti­on were first worked out. Paral­lel to this, work began at itera­tec GmbH on a software soluti­on called Decen­tra­Vo­te to conduct votes virtually.

To parti­ci­pa­te in a virtu­al general assem­bly, members only need a web browser. They can use it to regis­ter to attend the meeting, view the planned resolu­ti­ons, cast their votes and check that the votes have been counted. In additi­on, before the start of the general assem­bly, the board can create the planned resolu­ti­ons, deter­mi­ne who is entit­led to vote and record the proxies. With the help of the software, the chair­man of the meeting opens and closes the voting and triggers the counting of votes.

Electro­nic decis­i­ons thanks to state-of-the-art technology 

With Decen­tra­Vo­te, the ambitious team of develo­pers wanted to prove iteratec’s exper­ti­se in the environ­ment of decen­tra­li­sed systems and create software that protects the democra­tic princi­ples of a coope­ra­ti­ve with the help of state-of-the-art techno­lo­gies. Neither functio­n­a­ries nor exter­nal service provi­ders of the coope­ra­ti­ve must be able to compro­mi­se the system and influence the outco­me of electro­nic decis­i­ons. After all, if there were any doubts about the legali­ty of resolu­ti­ons, members could take legal action against them. Thanks to block­chain techno­lo­gy, votes conduc­ted with Decen­tra­Vo­te are trans­pa­rent and the results verifia­ble. A parti­cu­lar chall­enge was to combi­ne these features with the requi­re­ment of anony­mous voting in secret ballots. The team solved the task using advan­ced techni­ques in crypto­gra­phy. The soluti­on was presen­ted as a result of iteratec’s in-house research and develo­p­ment in several master’s theses by our working students and at profes­sio­nal congresses.

While the use of the software was origi­nal­ly only planned after an adjus­t­ment of the artic­les of associa­ti­on of itera­tec nurdem­team eG, the legis­la­ti­on of the federal govern­ment now enables the imple­men­ta­ti­on of a virtu­al general assem­bly without changing the artic­les of associa­ti­on. For this reason, itera­tec nurdem­team eG is alrea­dy planning to conduct the next general assem­bly virtual­ly with its own software soluti­on Decen­tra­Vo­te. In the meanti­me, other coope­ra­ti­ves have also contac­ted itera­tec and expres­sed interest in DecentraVote.


Many people interes­ted in succes­si­on fail to obtain finan­cing for their entre­pre­neu­ri­al dream with little equity capital. The eG offers interes­ted employees the oppor­tu­ni­ty to become additio­nal entre­pre­neurs. This makes it possi­ble to Distri­bu­ting respon­si­bi­li­ty in the compa­ny on many should­ers and ensuring succes­si­on. The sharing of respon­si­bi­li­ty and the fact that a company’s orien­ta­ti­on is not solely econo­mic are certain­ly in line with modern values, which the histo­ri­cal­ly proven model of the regis­tered coope­ra­ti­ve takes into account and fits wonderful­ly into the spirit of the shared economy.

We would like to share this mindset with other entre­pre­neurs and those who want to become one. On 13 July 2020, you will learn more about the itera­tec success story and the steps you can take to reali­se it in an online webinar.

Images: KERN - Compa­ny succes­si­on. Successful 

Authors’ Commu­ni­ty:

itera­tec: Dr Micha­el Gebhart, Dr Zoltan Fazekas, Manue­la Braitmaier 

KERN: Roland Grepp­mair, Holger Haber­mann, Wolfgang Bürger

TIPS for further reading: 

The coope­ra­ti­ve model - When employees follow in the foots­teps of the compa­ny founders

Conflicts during the genera­tio­nal change of family businesses

Compa­ny Succes­si­on in Times of the Corona Crisis

What are the most important questi­ons in the succes­si­on process?