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Turning juniors into seniors - successful genera­tio­nal change starts early

If you want to be a good entre­pre­neur, practi­ce early - The “seniors” should plan the hando­ver of their life’s work at an early stage.

Would you like to prepa­re your child­ren for business succession?

Six steps to successful business succes­si­on in the family:

How do I turn my juniors into successful seniors so that my life’s work can be successful­ly transferred?

1. insight into the family business:

You should ensure early on that your child­ren get occasio­nal insights. This can actual­ly be achie­ved quite infor­mal­ly by taking the child­ren into the compa­ny from time to time, showing them the diffe­rent areas of the compa­ny and simply ‘letting them explore’.

Later, when they are older, there is an oppor­tu­ni­ty to intro­du­ce the child­ren to the compa­ny through holiday jobs. This is a good prepa­ra­ti­on for the juniors to become seniors.

2. provi­de first class education:

Ideal­ly, of course, with a focus of study that is also reflec­ted in the company’s purpo­se. It can make sense to study at a very practi­ce-orien­ted priva­te univer­si­ty with exper­ti­se abroad.

3. chase the child­ren off the farm:

That is, to give them the oppor­tu­ni­ty to develop freely after gradua­ti­on, to decide for themsel­ves who they want to work for and where. Of course, the best thing is if they can go to direct compe­ti­tors. But that will rarely happen. But maybe there are colle­agues, suppli­ers or even custo­mers where you can pick up a lot of knowledge for your own business.

4. make your own business sexy:

Are you afraid that your child­ren will be spoilt by the tempt­a­ti­ons of the big wide world after study­ing and taking their first steps on foreign soil? Then make sure in good time that your compa­ny offers a perspec­ti­ve that is so interes­t­ing that your child­ren will want to come back.

Your offspring will appear with a comple­te­ly diffe­rent self-confi­dence if they have been able to gain manage­ment experi­ence in other compa­nies. The accep­tance of your employees is also likely to be signi­fi­cant­ly higher if everyo­ne knows where your child­ren have alrea­dy worked and with what respon­si­bi­li­ty. Other­wi­se, theory and practi­ce will quick­ly colli­de. This is always the case when you bring your child­ren direct­ly from univer­si­ty into your own company.

5. make the transi­ti­on smoothly:

Think about concre­te areas of respon­si­bi­li­ty that you want to entrust to your child­ren without really inter­fe­ring and getting invol­ved in the day-to-day business.

Allow for mista­kes, but not the same one twice and if it doesn’t cost too much.

Disci­pli­ne yours­elf by agree­ing on fixed commu­ni­ca­ti­on struc­tures and binding work proce­du­res with your child­ren. Even if it is diffi­cult, stick to it yours­elf so that it doesn’t lead direct­ly to arguments.

Gradu­al­ly hand over more respon­si­bi­li­ty. Let go and extend the leash. Your child­ren should also be advised to demand.

Before you plan to bequeath something to your child­ren, treat them to the best educa­ti­on. It doesn’t always have to be a priva­te univer­si­ty, good public univer­si­ties are also suita­ble for the further educa­ti­on of juniors. However, you should always plan a stay abroad, even if it is not parti­cu­lar­ly relevant for your own compa­ny at the moment. The world is changing, and faster than we think. In additi­on, a stay abroad shapes people, sharpens their percep­ti­on, streng­thens their self-confi­dence and promo­tes their language skills.

6. formu­la­te a clear road map and adhere to it in a binding manner:

Agree with your juniors when they will be given speci­fic respon­si­bi­li­ties. For examp­le, which compa­ny divisi­ons, powers of attor­ney or procuration.

Deter­mi­ne when the juniors will follow in your footsteps.

If neces­sa­ry, set up an adviso­ry board with an exter­nal chair­per­son. This will ease the tensi­on in dealing with each other and lead to the desired success more quickly.

Tips for further reading:

Inter­view: Prepa­ring the succes­si­on within the family well

5 tips for successful business succession

Free webinar on business succession

Employee infor­ma­ti­on during the sale of a company

The adviso­ry board in family businesses

Negotia­ting at eye level - also with corporations

How can I bring the family business closer to my child­ren?

Early on, you can show them the diffe­rent areas and let them explo­re. Later on, holiday jobs are a good prepa­ra­ti­on for a successful genera­ti­on change. 

How can I best prepa­re a genera­tio­nal change with my child­ren?

The juniors can learn the most from direct compe­ti­ti­on. But they can also expand their knowledge with suppli­ers or customers. 

How can I make it easier for my child­ren to join my compa­ny during the genera­ti­on change?

Define areas of respon­si­bi­li­ty in which your child­ren are indepen­dent. In additi­on, create fixed commu­ni­ca­ti­on struc­tures and binding work proces­ses together. Then they can hand over more and more respon­si­bi­li­ty to the next generation.